""I often have some wines or spirits in my free time. After drinking for long time, I'd like to try something new. I began to like tea after I tasted Chinese green tea. I've tried Japanese green tea before, but it was so strange that I couldn't like it. Dragon's well is belong to Long Jing, the most famous green tea in China.
This tea looks large, bulkier leaves with varied shapes (twisted, curly, flat), varying from dark green to greenish yellow. Long Jing is the name of a little village close to the town of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province and renowned for its magnificent Lake of the West. The tea leaves picked by hand, it is processed almost exclusively in the traditional way, thanks to the expertise of the local growers.
Most Long Jing teas are grown on two facing mountain slopes, the famous **** Feng(""Lion's Peak""), actual site of the village of Long Jing, and Meijiawu, the neighboring village. The spring harvest is divided into two categories. The most prestigious is the imperial picking, known as ming qian, which takes place before the feast of Qingming, around March 20. Two weeks later it is the yu qian picking, which is also a high-quality harvest. Its through rigorous process to create the ultimate product.
See now I'm share my professional knowledge of green tea to you. As a matter of fact, I read it on the website. It's very interesting, isn't it?""
"My friend is from Taiwan. I wanted to pick up a gift for his birthday. The Taiwanese are proud of their Wulong Teas, and many of them travel long distances to buy tea from their favorite mountain garden. Tea was previously an integral part of daily life - at home, at work and in public places. Since I saw a beautiful tea set in his home, I thought maybe I can choose some tea leaves for him.
I purchased some Wulong Tea from UmiTeaSets. The arrival of the packaging was great, and come with the beautiful gift box. Appearance of the Wulong Tea leaves were tightly rolled leaves (looks like pearls), varying from forest green to blue green to deep black.
The website customer service staff suggested that rinse the leaves to they can unfurl more easily. If use a container large enough that can allow the leaves to unfurl freely. The cha technique is ideal for the infusion of Wulong Teas. I given all these tips to my Taiwan friend.
Last week he invited me to his tea party and made me some Wulong Tea. It brought out the extraordinarily rich flavor. A warm fragrant tea to melt the weariness on your face."
"As I know that Yixing is a town to the west of Shanghai. Famous for the quality of its clay as well as for the incredible creativity of its potters. Yixing still produces teapots that enjoy a solid reputation in China.
I've waited a long time to get this set -- Yixing Purple Clay Tea Set With Lotus, as it was well worth the wait.
There are three main types of Yixing clay: zishani(purple), hongni(red) and banshanlu(yellow). My tea set belong the purple type of Yixing Clay.
It looks like adorable fish, its so cute and the quality is great. Its malleability, which makes it easy to work with and has allowed craftspeople to develop a technique to make the teapots entirely by hand. Note that Yixing teapots are rarely formed using a pottery wheel; they are usually shaped by hand. Its porous quality, which means that my tea set should only be used for a single family of teas.
The clay is made from rocks that are extracted, crushed, cleaned, kneaded and sifted, then mixed together. The colors of the this types of Yixing clay vary according to where and from what depth the rocks were extracted, as well as the firing method used by the potter. The sound made by the teapot when it is tapped gently with its lid is also distinctive. The sound is clear and metallic. I am very satisfied with this product."
"Shipping was fast on both the tea set and teas. I was just amazed at the quality, beautiful molded and the picture shows the colors perfectly. But the best part is all the fun use the zhong I bought. It can be used with all kinds of tea, it bring out the aromas of more delicate teas, such as white or green teas, particularly well.
On my quite weekend morning, I heat the zhong using hot water. Pour water at the required temperature over the leaves. Make sure that all the leaves were fully soaked with water by stirring gently with the lid. Leave the tea to infuse as long as necessary.
When the infusion was ready, transfer the liquid into a separate cup, holding back the leaves with the lid. Tilt the lid to keep all the leaves in the zhong, then pour off the liquid completely to prevent any leftovers from affecting subsequent infusions. I used the saucer to get a better grip on the zhong. Then I finished and tasted my perfect tea."
"Last month, I went to a friend's party and tasted a special delicious food - Beef in Wulong Tea. It is surprising that they use wulong tea to cook the beef.
My friends told me that in their grandmother's time it was customary to deglaze a pan with tea, often a strong black tea, and so this is an affectionate nod to their ancestors and their traditional knowledge. The food taste so delicious. Now share the food method with all of you.
1. Season the pieces of beef with salt and pepper to taste. Heat a cast-iron skillet over high heat until it smokes. Add the olive oil and 4 tablespoons of butter.
2. Place the pieces of beef in the skillet and cook until a crust forms, around 3 or 4 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the beef. Place the beef in a cold oven for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the desired degree of doneness. Remove the beef from the skillet. Set aside.
3. Wipe excess fat from the skillet. Melt 2 or 3 tablespoons of butter and cook until it turns hazelnut brown. Deglaze with water, scraping the bottom of the skillet to recover any browned bits of the meat. Reduce the liquid by half and add the wulong tea. Leave to infuse for 2 to 3 minutes, then pour through a fine strainer. Bring the mixture back to a boil and whisk.
4. Slice the beef and serve with the wulong-flavored drippings.
5. Serve the meat with a vegetable puree and seasonal onions.
So I bought a tea set and some wulong tea through Umiteasets. Both of them are great quality. By the way, when make tea alone, is also a good enjoyment. I think you will like all of it."
""I bought a Kung Fu Tea Set for novelty. I thought that make tea is a very simple thing, then search the steps of the kung fu cha method on the website. To my surprise, in my search I found there are so many tea knowledge.
The first mention of this ceremony can be traced back to the early 17th century in China. The literal meaning of gong fu is ""the time of tea"", and it refers to the time that is needed to achieve mastery of the art. It sounded interesting, that tasting a tea prepared in this method is both a journey and a discovery.
First, heat the utensils. Place you teapot in the cha chuan and pour a little simmering water into it. Put the lid back on and pour the contents into the spare pot. Once your teapot is well rinsed, add the required quantity of tea.
Second, rinse the leaves. Pour simmering water over the tea leaves and then discard this water. At this point you can smell the first aromas released by the moistened leaves.
Third, infuse the leaves. Refill the teapot with simmering water until it overflows, place the lid back on the pot and pour water over the outside of the teapot to get rid of the foam. Meanwhile, empty the spare pot to prepare it to receive the liquid. Wait as long as you wish. The first two infusions should last only 20 to 60 seconds, but the following infusions can last one to three minutes. Note that a bubble will usually form at the end of the teapot's spout, and after a short while it will slide back into the teapot as if it is being sucked in. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the leaves soak up the water and are ""drinking"" the liquid, so to speak. This indicates it is time to transfer the infusion.
Last, pour the liquid into the spare pot, Be sure to drain the teapot so that no liquid remains inside. Fill the sniffing cup, which has an elongated shape, then transfer the liquid into the tasting cup. Inhale the different fragrances that emanate from your now empty sniffing cup. Linger over the aromas that cling to the sides of the cup.
It's absolutely amazing. The fundamental principles require patience, attentiveness and meticulousness. It's a new challenge for me.""
""Do not buy a teapot that is too large. Some delicate teas need to be infused in a small quantity of water to release their precious fragrances. A tea lover friend saying claims that the smaller the teapot, the better the tea. Then I bought a Japanese Pottery Kiln Strips Teapot.
This is a total different one. The distinguished by the ir hollow lateral handle, which is meant to facilitate handling and, according to the Japanese, provide a more ergonomic design. Light and elegant, they are often made of sandstone clay fired at a high temperature, which enhances the flavor of fine Japanese green teas. It's made of porcelain. Notethat Japanese potters originally made teapots from porcelain and only started to use local sandstone in the 19th century. It was at this time too that the hollow lateral handle appeared.
Japanese teapots are usually equipped with a very fine mesh that is useful for infusing finely cut Japanese green teas.This teapot has an integrated clay strainer, and it keeps the leaves in the teapot.
This one is used for the senchado tastings commonly practiced in Japan. Use it to enjoy my delicate teas, that's awesome.""
""I like the Pu er teas with the flavor. Famous for their history and curative properties, Pu er teas are post-fermented teas whose oxidation is not enzyme related. Pu er teas are longish leaves or compressed shapes. common shape is the cake, Pu er teas can be compressed into many other shapes and sizes. I bought a cake shape one. We tried the Pu er teas last night, and it is a very pleasant tea for a quiet evening after dinner.
Rinse twice for 5 seconds, need to be rinsed for a few seconds before they are infused. Rinsing gives a more balanced infusion. To do this, pour almost-boiling water, over the leaves(enough to cover them), then discard the water a few seconds later and make our infusion, and make the tea taste better.
You know what, the tea derive their name from the town of Pu er in Yunnan Province (in southwestern China), where growers from the neighboring mountains brought their harvests to be sold and sent elsewhere in China or in more far-flung regions.
Taste the tea with the family,and share the introduction of Pu er teas. We're very happy with the tea, as far as the tea itself goes.""
""The overview of different kinds of teapots, some of which are linked to a specific culture or ritual.
Earthenware Yixing teapots come from the Chinese county of the same name. Thanks to the porous nature of the clay from which they are made, they have the capacity to ""remember"" the teas that have been infused in them, and so they are called""memory teapots"". It's fun and you are sure to enjoy it. I bought a teapot from Umiteasets, Yixing Purple Clay Dragon Fish Teapot.
If a Yixing teapot for the gong fu cha ceremony is well made, it will conform to the three-level rule: the tip of the spout and the top of the handle will be level with the rim of the teapot. In addition, the lid should fit the opening in the teapot as closely as possible, so it does not move, and the handle and spout should be perfectly aligned.
The seal (or signature) of the potter is printed on each teapot. It is usually on the bottom of the teapot or under the lid, and sometimes it is under the handle. The signature of the teapot I bought is on the bottom.
When they are hot, the sides of my Yixing teapot absorb the tannins in the tea, creating a deposit that builds up over successive infusions. This is how the memory teapot acquires its coating. The more the teapot is used, the better it will reveal the wealth of aromas in the teas infused in it.""
""According to my friend's introduction, the black tea is crushed, broken or whole small or medium-length leaves, varying from brown to black, sometimes with golden or silver tips(buds). Some first-harvest Darjeeling teas have green or brownish-green leaves.
I chose the Darjeeling Black Tea TGFOP1, for this one, the temperature can be lowered to 194℉(90℃). After add the leaves, let the leaves infuse for the required time, which is usually between 3 and 4 minutes. The color of the liquid will vary(from amber to red) according to the type of tea. If the leaves are very broken or crushed, shorten infusion time.
If you wish to enhance the experience of drinking tea, the first thing to do, before even wetting your lips with the fresh infusion, is to sniff the leaves before and after infusion, inhaling the subtle fragrances they contain. Next, study the color and texture of the liquid, then bring the bowl very close to your nose to smell the fragrances released by the liquor.
After having sniffed the tea and having tried to detect as many aromas emanating from the leaves or the liquid as possible, the second challenge is to describe the texture as well as the general impression that it leaves. That looks excellent.""
""Women always have a few days is the period when it is not rational control. My friend Joey told me that drink some floral tea will make me feel soothing and comforting. She is come from China and she know much about the mixed effects of tea. With my situation, she suggest that I can get the collocation of Rose Tea and Hibiscus Floral Tea to brew together.
I searched the Umiteaset website in Google to buy the tea. Since I do not know how to brew tea, I consult the website of the customer service staff. Her told me that following the instructions she provided will help me prepare tea that tastes perfect nearly every time.
* Star by warming your teapot with hot water,wait 30 seconds, then discard the water. You can also warm the outside of the teapot;
* Add the leaves. You can place the leaves directly into the teapot. If you use a tea strainer, make sure it is as large as possible in relation to the teapot. The more space the leaves have to unfurl in the water, the better the tea will be.
* Pour the water over the leaves. Water quality and temperature are improtant. You should never pour boiling water on tea leaves, as it can scald the leaves and destroy their delicate aroma.
* Stop the infusion by pouring the liquid into another container or by removing the filter used for infusion. And infusion must be controlled to be sussessful. If it is too short, the character of the liquid will not be revealed; if it is too long, the bitterness of the tannins will overwhelm the aromas.
It is a great help!! I'm going to enjoy my tea now.""
"I ordered quite an expensive teaset and was guaranteed free shipping ASAP. a fortnight later, I had no word from them and contacted Umi teas. They apologised and said all their couriers were busy. This was eventually sent but only arrived much later (tracking details are in Mandarin - so good luck deciphering where your stuff is!).
When the product arrived almost a month later, part of the teaset were missing - namely the tea pet. There were several chipped cups and the patterns around the teacups were defective - overlapping. I took photos and sent it back to them. They promised replacements for the chipped cups but those with the overlapping patterns - they said was 'normal' and part of the process!
It is now more than a month, I haven't received a replacement for the chipped cups yet.
On the balance of things, if you want cheap, mass produced teasets, and yet pay premium for it, this is your site. Otherwise, go to your local Chinatown and you should get the teasets featured here for a fraction of the price. And you will get the pick your teacups so there are chips or overlapping patterns. "
""My wife and I have had this White Cherry Blossoms Sushi Tea Set for two months now, I surprised with this tea set and teas and she loved it.
This come with 4 beautifully crafted tea cups, and in a smart presentation box. It's a very nice porcelain tea set. I love the flower designs and color, but the only thing about this tea set is that the color may chip off. As soon as I received the tea set, I cleaning the outside of the tea set immediately. Then I knew I don't need to worry about it.
The construction is great, the internal coating heavy and rugged and the exterior as amazing. The handle is well attached and transports the surprisingly heavy pot with confidence.
This is our quite weekend mornings, with a simple warm up with tap water and then properly boiled water poured in this pot stays hot for hours. The temperature qualities also result in the smoothest tasting cup of tea as all the heat goes to the tea.
We put about 1 teaspoon of Tea into the strainer and pour the hot water into the pot and use a spoon to lightly tap the tea into the strainer and start the brewing. 4 minutes later the magic happens.
The pot is not only utilitarian, it is beautiful. After using this, I will never again use vitreous, for my ritual tea set, guess I just had the right tea set.""
"I ordered a tea pot and a water boiling kettle about 2 weeks before Christmas. I was looking around online for cool tea stuff and every other place I looked had just boring things that everyone has. When I found UmiTeaSets.com I knew they had just what I was looking for and the best part was the price was good too!
A customer service rep contacted me and said if I made my purchase now there would be a 15% discount to apply. This is just great. I take it, place the order, wish the rep Merry Christmas and Feel confident because shipping was standard at 7 - 14 days so if it shipped tomorrow, at the latest I will get it the day after Christmas.
Then the problems started. 6 days later it hasn't shipped. I send a scathing email saying I either want it shipped the next day expedited shipping or my money back.... Package is shipped next morning, a Sunday, so I feel pretty confident they got my message, but there is no response from customer service to explain the situation or when I can expect my package. I have a tracking number for a janky Chinese package tracking site that has one word in English "query". The tracking data is in Chinese for the most part so it's pretty much useless. I don't get my package until about 4 days after Christmas.
The packing was good for protection but not the smartest at all and it was messy. Lots of pieces of Styrofoam were used to package it and it got crumbles of Styrofoam everywhere. The glass water heater pitcher was not in a box and had no instructions and no labels or anything. My wife was concerned that the plastic on it was not BPA free. I hadn't considered this, so I had no idea. She says she found online that it is. They should have included material to document it though.
The plug for the wall is Chinese style and I had to buy an adapter for. It takes way too long to heat up because I need a converter too, which is pricey. It should have come with an American style outlet plug. Because of this, we guess that some of this might not have been quite legally shipped. It does add to the authenticity factor, however.
All that said, the things that I bought were not very expensive but are of high quality and very authentic. I would recommend this site to anyone who is looking for something different than what you can find at your local Tea Source.
If I place an order again, I'll do it a month in advance of when I need it. If it hadn't been for the shipping problems this would have been a great experience. Shipping was important, though, as this was a Christmas gift. I think my rating is a bit generous, but if they work on improving these errors I think they could have a very successful business."
""Nice tea set, but the packaging is not beautiful. I bought this set at the preferential price, and I feel I got no less than what I paid for. We were hoping to be able to hold the boxes for reuse, but we're just going to be throwing them out. Also, there is a lot of wasted space in the box, so there will be a lot of padding material to throw away.
As for the contents, we tried the dragon lily last night, and it is a very pleasant tea for a quiet evening after dinner with no harsh flavors.
As for the pot, it's a small, thin glass thing with nothing special about it. However, it is quite the right size and shape for watching these teas unfurl.
All in all, I'm happy with what I got. I just wish the packaging could have been nicer."