"This company is shady. When you cancel the account, they pretend not to receive (repeated) emails (they require an email confirmation). Their online reviews are horrible - google Viatalk BBB and read the horror stories. "
"Very in professional customer care and slow service. Do not recommend"
"ViaTalk has improved from what it was but that is faint praise indeed. This has to be the worst, most corrupt company in this business. While overseas for several months, my service lapsed with them and to restore, they charged me 50% more than agreed. Because they had control of my account, I could not transfer it without it then being active so had to pay them.
Stay far, far away from the beginning."
"The service is geting worse over time. They never tell you what they fixed but the frequency of having problem is getting shorter. I will definitely not use this service again after my subscription expires. May be I have to look for alternative even before my ViaTalk term is ended because I cannot use the phone service. It is very annoying when two out of three calls the receiving end cannot hear you."
"The worse service I've ever encountered. Don't waste your time like they suggest."
"The experience was awful and not worth your time or money. Try something else. I would compare with another company and get enough information before you purchase. Viatalk is the worst I've ever used."
"The worst experience I have ever had. They ripped me off, and rating the support for ViaTalk from 1-10, I rate them a big 1. I cancelled my subscription after just 8 days of my trail and they would not refund my money. I sent back the hardware and they charged me for the hardware with no missing components.
I am not happy and I still have not received a return even now April 18th 2007. I have turned these guys into BBB and called my bank to get my money returned.
Suggestion: Go with someone beside these losers
List of people to watch out for at ViaTalk: Thomas Ryan is rude, Dayna Carbo, Ken Kobin. The one person that was rude was Thomas Ryan, a real loser!