Elite seals are prestigious banners given to retailers who are loved by their customers. To get one, a retailer has to consistently get high scores over time
"Please please do not purchase anything from this company as they are frauds! I just spent the entire day emailing a CS rep named Jessie who kept insisting their products are organic and yelling at me "when did I actually ask them if their products are organic? What? I tried to explain to her that in America there is a logo/seal that must go on the products that confirm they are organic or anyone can go into business and say they are just by using their words..."nothing but the best "USDA certified" and 24% USDA certified and natural." This is outright deceiving their customers and I am one of the idiots who fell for it, so please do not make the same mistake I made in spending hundreds of dollars with this company simply because I put my trust into thinking they are a legit CERTIFIED ORGANIC COMPANY without the logo to prove it. WELL, they are Not! In addition, I Kindly asked to return the products as they are not what they claim to be and Jessie responded by saying "you can return at your own expense". She did not confirm I would be getting a refund and was down right rude and very defensive when I challenged the companies' honesty about organics and that there was no logo to be found on any of the products as well as no logo on their website. Again, to all the people interested in this company, I care about you and your health (as they do not), to not put your trust in ANY company that makes these claims if they do not have a LOGO, you can search on line to get a mental picture of the logo when you go shopping. I now know about this logo that protects us here in the US and want to share this with everyone. They also use palm oil which they claim is responsibly sourced. There is nothing responsible about hacking down an entire forest and killing the orangutan in order to build a facility to harvest this oil. DON'T BUY ANYTHING THAT CONTAINS PALM OIL. PERIOD.. Thank you!"