Elite seals are prestigious banners given to retailers who are loved by their customers. To get one, a retailer has to consistently get high scores over time
"Skype is a calling application which is used for video and voice calls. It can come across any problem anytime. Skype has a good website for support. Regarding any topic, the information is available. Our Company offers the Skype support to Skype’s text, voice and video issues. Whenever, user faces any issue, get in touch with us for an instant support. We are available 24x7. Call us: +1 ***-***-**** https://www.skypesupports.com/"
"I signed up for skype service - the US unlimited plan and for a skype number. After 10 hours, the skype number still did not work. It would ring in to a message saying the number was not yet connected. So, I wait until the next day. I log into my account, and it says my account is suspended. Keep in mind that I just paid them $60 and now I can not use any of it. So I use the only method of service they have (live chat). They promptly tell me they don't know why it is suspended but they can't fix it. I hopefully through paypal and credit card disputes can get my money back."
"Skype probably isn't for everyone. Anyone who considers anyone who can figure out how to work a Windows PC, Use an Android Phone, or program a DVD recorder a geek will likely find Skype frustrating and blame their lack of basic understanding on Skype.
I've had and regularly use Skype since Feb, 2012 and I find it an outstanding buy. In order to keep calling costs very low, Skype operates on a shoe string budget. Microsoft bought the company last year but doesn't seem to be investing into it, just making profit from the 11 cent charge for a text message.
I use skype only to make Internet calls to non-Internet and Internet phones (comcast, U-Verse, etc). For this, I pay only $3.95 a month for unlimited North America. Like most Americans, my wife and I have cell phones. We use pay as you go cell service so it is beneficial to make calls with Skype.
We use Skype with laptops and Android Tablets, having our account configured in all of them. Skype is consistently good for us. In fact, we have never gotten the long delay we often get when we make a call with our Verizon or U-Verse phones.
All business calls that will involved being on hold for a while we make on Skype. So far we have not been dropped once, which is more that I can say for any cell phone service.
Many of the people who report an extremely negative experience with Skype had a poor outcome for the same reason many people report a poor result with a Roku box, a major brand Wireless Router,Internet Radio or a new Laptop. THEY FAIL to REALIZE these devices are internet devices and as such are only ONE PART OF A PROCESS.
Most often, the problem lies with YOUR INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER, which in most cases is YOUR TV & HOME PHONE SERVICES PROVIDER. ALL INTERNET DEVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM CONSISTENT LEVEL OF INTERNET DOWNLOAD SPEED. Your service provider is about as honest as a automobile dealer. When they are not outright lying or deceiving, they use deceptive and vague language.
Take a look at your bills. You assume you pay for and receive 3Mbps download speed, but the provider's exact language is "Up TO". What does that mean? Very few people pay attention to two things. One, the very unclear meaning of "High Speed Internet" or "High Speed Broadband". The terms are used for speeds from under 1Mbps to 114Mbps. Two, You never get the speed you think you are paying for and two people in the same neighborhood get different speeds when they pay for the exact same service.
Before you buy any Internet device, visit the Roku site and use the free Internet Download speed meter. You must check your speed several times at different times of the day. You will be surprised at how much less download speed you get than the speed you think you are paying for.
For example, the U-Verse "node" for my U-Verse line is one foot from my house. The fastest download speed I ever get for my "Up To 12Mbps is 9.9Mbps and I get that only very early in the morning week days. I had the better performing Comcast Cable Internet Service. I paid for "Up To 24Mbps" The fastest I ever got was 18.9Mbps.
Most people have "Up to 1.4 to 3.0Mbps Service. If you have had bad experience with a Roku box, a Wireless Router, Internet Radio, Skype, etc check your actual Download speeds.
I find you need service that does not dip below 2.4Mbps in order to get decent results."
"For a while Skype was the only free VOIP video chat out there, recently I tried to use it for a 3-way video chat I had to pay to do 2+ people and it didn't work (shotty video, crackle audio, just shutting down altogether). I asked for a refund and got it, but it took I think 3 weeks or so. Hence the average rating."
"The product is great, the customer service is lacking. They were unwilling to fix a minor subscription error and instead of transferring an account I had to pay for a new one and never even used the first. Total rip-off."
"Great! Awesome! Did I mention great?
Skype.com really sounds like a telephone conversation! I mean I hear everything crystal clear and the other party hears me crystal clear! What more can you want?
-Prices to Moldova aren't as low as they could be. I found a card in a grocery store "3377" which gives me better rates.
-But still it is VERY competetive and so easy to use. I don't have to go out and buy anything, just make a payment and BANG! I have 10 dollars on my skype account :)
-No need to look any further! Skype #1 fan."
Detailed Ratings
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent