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"This is a hard one to put into words because the whole episode is sooo bazaar. I emailed Zachary Music about prices and availability for a particular brand of trumpet that I wanted for my son. I received a quick response with a price that I thought was a little high so I continued to look elsewhere. I did not reply back (maybe I should have at least thanked him for the response but I didn't). A few days later I buy the trumpet from Musician's Friend (btw, I Love Musician's Friend!). Anyway, a couple of weeks go by and I get a really snide email from Zachary Music, "Were you really serious about buying a trumpet or were you just playing around on the Internet?". I should have just ignored the email but I didn't. I decided I would jab him a little and brag that I got it from a different vendor. Well, he emails me back calling me ignorant and stupid because I didn't buy from him. I couldn't believe it! His words were very offensive and very hurtful and definitely uncalled for. I was just VERY VERY happy that I did not buy from this person!"