
Your Reviews and Quality

We take ratings, reviews and your voice very seriously

We've been collecting reviews and ratings for over 15 years. We take your voice, the quality of the reviews on the platform very seriously. We wanted to bring you through a few things on ResellerRatings - like what happens to your review, how review scores are calculated, our philosophy behind them and even how we engage with retailers. Pick a subject below to learn more.

Your Reviews

With us, your review travels far

ResellerRatings has been a trusted ratings and review source for over 15 years and we've worked hard to establish our North American reviews and customer voice stronghold. We do this but giving reviewers and retailers a fair platform, while also working with huge review syndicators like Google and Bing. That means - when you leave a review on ResellerRatings, your voice travels far.
Your Voice
No Removal

Where your voice travels


Will my review get removed?

Leaving a review in an empty suggestion box gives you little power. We want other shoppers and retailers to hear you. Reviews on our platform get hundreds of millions of views a year, and are used by Google, Bing, Yahoo and many others. Learn more here.

Not all reviews on ResellerRatings stay on RSR. While we don't curate reviews, we give weight to reviews that are relevant, about the retailer, about the shopping experience, good or bad. Some reviews are verified, some are post-purchase, others are organic. We combat review fraud, spam, poor content quality, and more.

Reviews on are NEVER removed for being negative or positive. If you have something to say, our platform is the place to say it. However, we do remove content that is irrelevant, exposes people's privacy, and breaches our ethics guide. We've used this guide for over 15 years. You can check it out here to understand why youre review might not be showing up. In fact, if you review was removed - we will notify you and give you an opportunity to modify the violation.

How We Work with Retailers

To Merchants

Retailers collect your reviews

Retailers can fix your problems

Retailers can flag reviews


We help retailers, stores, collect reviews in a consistent, proper, methodological manner. we educate retailers on the importance of reviewing all their customers, collecting post purchase content, and verifying with customers their invoice orders to ensure you, the reader, gets the best review data.

We have a suite of tools that allow retailers to address any issues you have right away allowing you to have a chance in our channel, to have your issue resolved, which gives you the opportunity to change your review, or add onto it. we faciliate a better experience for everyone.

Retailers can flag reviews that fall under our violations and policy list. we've maintained this list for years, and share it with our syndication partners so they understand why a review may be taken down. you can even see on a storefront, how many times a retailer has flagged a review and for what reasons. whether or not we remove it, falls under our in-person moderation team going through hundreds of reviews a day.

Finally, we allow retailers to understand the issues coming in at broad scale. part of our dna at resellerratings is allowing retailers to understand how to better their process with customer feedback. this makes a better shopping experience for everyone.