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"I have a similar experience to report. Order # ********. I recieved a call and this email. "william" was very aggressive! And Dodgy. I was told my gps did not come with a charger or rather the charger it came with would destroy the gps. He wanted to sell a charger for $129 eventually he went to $99 and would not send the gps without paying for the charger because it would be "like a car without wheels" and that I should purchase the charger first (because of my firm budget) and later order the gps. I said "so you are telling me you wont sell the item I ordered unless I pay for the charger?" He replied "did you hear me say that" but then quickly said he would cancel my order and refund the card. I said "you would rather cancel the order than send what I ordered?" He just said he was cancelling the order. My initial response was to call a supervisor but and threaten credit card fraud if they would not ship exactly what I ordered as promised in the purchasing contract. In the end I decided although the principle was worth fighting for I did not have time nor money to fight or reveal the scam. So serendipitously I found this site review while looking for a different on line purchase. THE TERM BUYER BEWARE is definetly the rule for this company. I will stick with Amazon, Ebay, Radio Shack and others for future interactions. I did my search under GOOGLE and they posted them as highly rated and in the premiere spots. I am thinking twice about my google advertising budget--come on guys... I thought you were better than that! The new york "brooklyn" types have earned and maintain their reputations for being slick dealers but Google business practices seemed more socially appropriate than this. What is it called if you take money in exchange for something "dirty".....? You decide. I am not for internet censorship but then the views or first lines of the google search are not arbitrary or random are they? So from my perspective they should bear some responsibility for promoting bad historic and measureable business. BOTTOM ONLINE...BUYER BEWARE. FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON ME. FOOL THOSE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND BAD DISHONEST BUSINESS BECAUSE OF ENDORSEMENT AND RATING BY "REPUTABLE SOURCE" SHAME ON YOU. this is the email verbatim (without my name) Dear 888888888, We thank you for choosing 86th St. Photo & Video as your choice for all your photographic equipment. In order to further verify your order, we will need to speak with you on the phone. Please call our Verification department at 1-***-***-**** Ext. 209 William so we may verify and complete processing your order. If you have already called and confirmed your order, you may disregard this request. Holiday Extended Business Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:30AM to 7:30PM(EST) Friday: 9:30AM to 4:30PM(EST) Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 10:30AM to 6:00PM(EST) Once again, Thank you for choosing 86th St. Photo & Video. Please do not reply to this email. To contact us please visit our site and fill out the form at BBB and anyone who takes money from these people to advertise their products are equally responsible for any fruad that has occured to others. I will be changing my credit info just because I feel exposed to deceiptful business practice that would be closed if they were brick and mortar and not fronted enabled and masked by others."

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"The worst experience I have had with customer support. I purchased a Sony Camcorder (DCR-SR82) on Aug 1 2007. The Wisetronics also sold me bunch of accessories such as additional battery charger and the battery which I found out I didn't need them in first place because they lied about the battery life that comes with the Camcorder. They also sold me the extended warranty for 2 years. Now after 1 year and a half from the purchase date Wisetroncs tells me that my 2 year warranty has already expired because the begging date of warranty started 8 months before I bought the camcorder (the fiscal year). I have never seen anything so disgusting from any store. The manager of Wisetronics (Peter) also refused to give me the contact number to the warranty repair company so I can talk to them directly. Here is who Wisetronics sets a trap for you: 1- They give you a good price on the product on the web search but you cannot purchase it on the web unless you call them. 2- When you call them they force you to buy accessory items which you don't need and that’s how they make up for the compatible price they posted on the web. 3- You won't be getting anyone accountable for the warranty you buy because Wisetronics tell you the warranty is the responsibility of the subcontractor and you won't be able to contact the subcontractor either (vicious circle). 3- Peter (the manager) offered me some store credit with which another chain of traps are set, and secondly the store credit will not fix my camcorder."

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"BEWARE - BEWARE - BEWARE Wisetronics has a "sister" company called 86th Street Photo & Video. If I had only researched this, I would not have placed my order. I get the same "back order" story. What was once a 1 week back order, is now a 6 week back order. It seemed there were "technical gliches" as to why I wasn't notified. More over, I had some recent Fraudulent Charges placed on the credit card I used."

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"i ordered a gps from these guys and i actually got it in about 3-5 days - they did try to sell me accessories though - but when i said no - they got the message"

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"On May 20th,2008, I ordered a GPS unit from and the billing seems to come from Wisetronics of Brooklyn, NY. I entered my order and received a notice to call in order to complete my order. I was told that I had to buy a huge set of RAM in order for my unit to work, implying that the system listed was without RAM and thus would not work. I then said OK to this additional memory stick. Within minutes I found out that this large extra charge was not needed as the GPS unit was more than adequate with the RAM as originally ordered. I was flat out lied to by their representative. Since nothing had been shipped, I attempted to cancel the order. To make a long story shorter, with the help of the credit card company, I rejected delivery and sent the unit back. I eventually got credit for the charge with NO 20% restocking fee. These guys are NOT to be trusted as they are scam artists of a high order, with no honesty or integrity. The State of NY should put them out of business."

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"After placing my order for a Canon SD800 IS camera. The next day I get a call from Wisetronics trying to get me to buy more accessories. I did not. I waited three weeks and it never came. I called and was told that it was 3 weeks back orderd. I don't know why they did not tell me when I placed the order or when they called me but I waited and three weeks later it was another 6 weeks, then 2 then another 2 then 6... It has now been over 3 months and I was told it would be another 6 weeks. I every time I ask for a manager I get put on hold but no manager ever answers. I did get sent to a voice mail once a manager named Vinny but he never returned my call. DO NOT buy from this company"

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"I can't wake up from this nightmare. I found this bogus company online while shopping for a digital camcorder. They supposedly were a preferred company with a 5 star rating and offered the product at a great price. I called to double check if item was as listed and was indeed new and not refurbished. My questions were answered by the salesman with satisfaction. I then placed an order . The salesman/ scammer tells me that the item is in stock and that it will ship the next day and will take 7-14 days to get to me. shipping was essentialy 15 dollars. The next day or so ,I receive a message on my machine at home asking me to call them to confirm my order. I thought that was strange, but returned the call. It soon became apparent that I wasn't calling to confirm my order so much as lining myself up in the crosshairs of some transparent "rico suave" to allow himself some time to try and extrapilate large stacks of pictures of past presidents out of my wallet. After this guy finished trying to sell me all the add-ons and accessories that I didn't want but that he needed to sell( no doubt so he could enroll in some Dale Carnegy course) my expenditure would have been 3x what I originally intended.I had trouble remembering my original order. If he would have had his way I would not only have had the camcorder but a class A motor hame to drive around the world to shoot video in- or so it seemed. Any way , I didn't buy the extras ( his loss, but I think he was still laughing)and kept with my original order. I hung up and looked forward to receiving the product in CHECK THIS.. SEVEN TO FOURTEEN DAYS. TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK. Get my drift here? Three weeks later and I haven't heard or seen any hint of a product or any communications about the purchased product. (where's Chris Hanson when you need him?)So I call wisetronics. I get put through to some girl in ,dare I use the phrase, customer service. I explain the situation as calmly as I can. She tells me that the camcorder is on back order for two weeks. What the F%$#. Why did "rico" tell me they were in stock when I ordered? Hey how 'bout a little courtesy here. You had all my info , phone, email etc. you called me to "confirm" my order. Is it to much to ask to send me a note or call to update me on where the product is or better yet just be truthful right up front. So she apologizes and tells me that they will notify me when the product ships out. Thank you. In the mean time I call my cc company to make sure that I have not been billed yet.I haven't. But...TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK-TICK-TOCK. ONCE AGAIN... Three and a half weeks go by and still no sight or sound of product or communication. Am I dreaming 'cause I'm sure I ordered a camcorder? I call wisetronics back, only to be told the product is on back order for 4-6 weeks. This time I throw a hissy, so the girl tells me that she will give me free shipping ( I think she thought I would be overwehlmed as if I hit the lottery). BFD. so I say look if you can't provide the product we can just forget the whole thing and I'll go find it somewhere else. How dare I insult her like that. She is now starting to believe her own hype.Tick-tock-tick-tock. I know sometimes I'm just to nice-this being the holiday season and all.. But here I sit December 10th ,2007 essentially 8 weeks from when I was told that the product would ship out in max of 6 weeks. 17 weeks since I first ordered and was told that the product was in stock and would ship out tomorrow and still no sign of the product. Nor have I received any communication about the product. I'm really not gullible, I was leary when I first decided to order on-line, but I took the chance.I left the ball in their court. I gave them a chance to deliver. Shame on me. I was scammed by who knows who. Probably some idenity theft ring. Needless to say all is not lost if I can steer just one person away from this bogus company by telling my nightmare experience with these scammers and their five star rating. I hope this has been an education. I know it has for me. BEWARE update: I called wiseguytronics back on 12/10/07. After several attempts, I got through to some clown who (get this.. no surprise) said that the item was on backorder for 2 more weeks. These sheisters no doubt never had any intentions of shipping me the product or honoring the transaction that I in good faith entered into with them. Quite frankly, I honestly believe that the wisetronic web site is merely a fascade for a credit card/ identity theft ring and based on the quality of the feedback on this web, (resellerratings)many have been scammed. I would like to see proof that anybody has ever received a product from these masqueraders. These people will be reported to the proper authorities."

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"I was told to call to confirm credit card information and received an attempted upsell for accessories at inflated prices. Was then told that the item was on backorder from the manufacturer. I was told that an e-mail was sent to me to inform me, but I never received it. The rep offered to resend the e-mail and I agreed, but did not receive any information. Finally, more than 30 days after placing my order, I informed Wisetronics that I was cancelling my order."

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"Same story.....ordered and then received a call to confirm order with a heavy sales pitch. Then an email stating my order was backordered. I tested to see if it would ever become available. It's been two months and nothing. I tried to call and talk to a manager and only get put on endless hold or hung up on. They have no intention of shipping out any orders unless you buy there WAY overpriced accessories. Scam company."

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"I will not waste time repeating everything that the previous posters stated, as I had the exact same experience. Item "not in stock" as previously it was, hard sell tactics to buy accessories with inflated prices, no responses to cancel order email, etc, etc. I had sent them an email to cancel on a Friday stating that I fully expected to hear back from them on the next business day to aknowledge me, and of course didn't. When I called on Wed (4 business days later) they said my camera was on "backorder" without mentioning "I see you cancelled your order". I immediately went to the BBB and FTC website and filled out my report, then forwarded my response from them to Wisetronics. Maybe if enough people complain to the FTC something will be done, but then again, if they are shut down, the owners will just open up another unethical, bogus business next door on the street of New York and rename it something else."

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"This business is a COMPLETE SHAM. I wish I had read the posts before. They are liars and hang up the phone on you when you get through after being on hold for 1 hour. I ordered my camera 6 weeks ago, and it never came. I called, got through to agents, and was hung up on 3 times over the course of the last hour. DO NOT SHOP WITH THESE GUYS! THE WORST SHOPPING EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD."

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"These guys are crooks. They will sell items at low prices as bait, then try to upsell you w/ bogus claims about the item as it comes from the factory, then, if you do not buy all of their offerings, your item is suddenly on back order for 6-8 weeks. They give no communication or updates. Be very aware, do not send your money to these guys."

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"DON'T TOUCH THESE CROOKS. Reading the tesimonial below I realized they play the same trick on everyone. I wish I had read the testimonials before ordering. I would have saved myself a lot of mischief & aggravation."

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"Avoid this merchant at all cost. Deceptive business practices at best. Received email from them to verify my order over the phone. It was an excuse to inform me my camera came without a battery. The battery was an added $75.00. I said, "You mean a quality company like Canon did not include a battery with their camera?" "Yes," said the sales person. I doubt that was really the case. This sleezy company makes everyone look bad by dragging Canon and internet sales in general, down into the same dark whole they call a business. I canceled my order. Don't make the same mistake I made."

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"This has been my worst internet experience. After ordering they sent an email to call them about my order. I am given a sales pitch for a battery that they say I will need to operate the camera for more than a few minutes. I say no - just want what I ordered. Tried to track the order 2 weeks later and was told it was on backorder for 2 weeks. Their web site shows the camera availale but after another 2 weeks they are still telling me another 2 week backorder. VERY RUDE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WHEN YOU CAN GET THROUGH."

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Wisetronics is ranked #311 in computers & electronics