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Compare KEH Camera vs Adorama

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of KEH Camera and Adorama

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

9,187 reviews
4.81 / 5

17,938 reviews
2.64 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

KEH Camera: not active
Adorama: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

KEH Camera: no
Adorama: no

Helpful Positive Reviews

Positive reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

KEH Camera



Worry Free

"I've made several trades and/or purchases. The items are always in the condition or better than stated. The packaging is always top notch, I don't need to worry when buying from KEH."




Best place for photo and video need

"Great experience for all my drone and camera need, great price and selection and the loyalty program gives me tons of $$ back. You can also get 5% off almost everything with their credit card. what a deal."

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

KEH Camera



Happy, disatisfied

"Happy w my lens , but sad it wasnt tge one i wanted which included the origina hood, now i still want the hood, but have to pay for shipping"




Try scamming this "solves all problems with blood soaked knuckles"

"I just ordered something from there and I promise this... If I don't receive my item then this company has f#cked with the right motherf#cker. I WILL go to the address they provide casually walk in and punch the first f#ckboy I see f#cking head clean the f#ck off. When I lay that one out I'll stand over him and stomp him continuously getting more excited hearing his whimpers until I stomp a godd#mn mud hole of splintered skull fragments in that as$. My d$ck hard as a rock from the violence I will continue to locate and brutally violate each person I come across until either the pus$ies call the police and they f#cking kill me or I viciously end the lives of each employee there. Yeah let me not receive my item. Lmao big BIG F#CKING MISTAKE"


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

KEH Camera is ranked #6 out of 50 in arts & entertainment

Adorama is ranked #4 out of 50 in arts & entertainment