"Service from Alibaba was very good. There was no end to the suppliers available to help and they all were very professional. "
"Very easy to order everything shipped super quick and the quality is superb"
"I find it hard to navigate buying a specific product from a specific supplier"
"Very fast and easy to arrive in my post box from half way round the World."
"Seller communicated very well, shipped the product very quickly and I'm super happy with the quality of the product!!"
"We have got very good business contacts through Alibaba. From importing nothing before direct from China, we are now finding many of our parts there and we use Chinese subcontractors for several details in our custom products. Most Chinese companies are very eager to answer and deliver on time. Some of them need more training in English though but that will improve as time goes by. We have not yet been hit by any scam or other problem. Thanks."
"We are very satisfied with the Alibaba platform, the quality of the products and the handling are very professional."
"Delivery on time. Quick response to queries."
"easy ordering, fast shipping and quality goods!! "
"Many thanks sellers, When buying I will support you"
"les recomiendo esta enpresa mui profecional y responsables "
"This was my first time using Alibaba and was very easy to use and I received a quality product. Thank You"
"Alibaba charges the customer to cancel an order
Beware of suppliers using bait and switch tactics after they have your money and then you will be victimized again as Alibaba will charge you a processing fee $30. I had a supplier try to change my order and when that didnt work told me I would have to pay import fees to receive my order. I canceled my order and received an email from Alibaba that I would be refunded my full amount. When I looked at the refund I had only received part of it as I was charged $30 processing fee. Customer service was no help and told me I wait for an email which says this is the rule. I can't believe they will steal from you, especially after having a bad experience with a supplier"
"It's great buying bulk in items in Alibaba. You can have your own design and Alibaba make it easy to look for the best supplier according to your niche."
"Just what We are looking for and could not find anyplace else. Fast and reliable transaction. Many thanks."