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Customer Service

"Their customer service is extremely poor. I ordered for over $7K at Brault et Martineau and received only a part of my order. One of the couch was damaged and I reported it back in April 2021 and have been waiting for a solution since.
Do not expect them to follow up with you as they will not. I called early July to get an update and was told that they will ask to replace the couch. I called a week later and was told that they had no comments under my account and will contact the manufacturer to let him know that they will replace the couch if they don't receive the missing parts within 10 days. As they told me that they were to replace it already, I asked to talk to a manager and was told that someone will call me back, which obviously did not happen. I called again a week later asking to talk to a manager and they refused.
It's now been over 20 days and I still have no call back from anyone.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges




"It has been two months that brault et martineau have delivered a defective fridge. The fridge is full of dents and is also freezing my food at the recommended setting. I have called customer service multiple times regarding this issue. A technician was sent to verify the damage and confirmed that the fridge is not repairable and needs to be replaced. I was also told to wait for a call from brault et martineau to schedule delivery date for a new fridge. I waited 2 weeks and never received a call. I called them and was told that they never recieved a ‘request’ from whirlpool and so they have to look into the case, and call me back within 48hrs. After two weeks, the callback was never made. I call, and I am told the same thing and to expect a call back within 24 hrs this time. Two weeks go by and again, I receive no call.
I call back, and I’m told AGAIN that the request was not sent and that they will call whirlpool and call me back. Frustrated, I explained that I never received any callbacks when promised. I refused to hang up and asked to speak to a manager. At this point he tells me he is one. When I demanded further he tells me all the managers are busy and someone will call back. I refused to hang up as this happened to me twice before and asked him to compensate me for the time that's been wasted with this matter and all the food in my fridge that is going to waste. He rudely suggests to call my HOUSE INSURANCE if I want to be compensated for lost food that their fridge is causing. At this point I am enraged. I demand to speak to the manager again and I’m told I’ll have to wait 1 HOUR as the manager is on their lunch. I agree to wait and I’m eventually called on another line by a ‘manager’.
This manager is unprofessional, constantly spoke over me and refused to let me finish my sentences. She is unsympathetic at the time I’ve wasted on this matter and the fact that the previous representatives were completely incompetent and dishonest. I ask to be compensated to which she tells me I will not be as she doesn't see an issue with this whole scenario. She goes on to blame me for not ‘hanging up’ and letting the previous representative solve the issue which is apparently simple, even though I explained that twice before I was told the same thing and no one ever called back. She was rude to the point that SHE HUNG UP IN MY FACE!

2 months later and I am still dealing with a defective fridge and waiting for an exchange. I am completely APPALLED with the incompetence and unprofessional service I received from brault et martineau. representatives and management. I will never recommend this store to anyone. STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges




"Mauvaise expérience et zéro satisfaction avec ce magasin. Nous acceptons un lit emballé qui nécessite ouverture après le départ des livreurs et par la suite il manque des pièces et nous ne pouvons pas assembler. Les conseillers au magasin donnent la Mauvaise information et au magasin ne veulent pas retourner vu politique de retour! Un piège d'une entreprise et Mauvaise réputation sur le marché. Je donne zéro étoile et je dépose plainte ! Aucun professionnalisme ni du directeur du magasin ni des associés! Ils donnent une mauvaise réputation pour tout tous les produits Québécois ! Tu te sens au magasin devant un complot qui cherchent à camoufler les clients !!! JE NE CONSEILLE AUCUNE PERSONNE À FAIRE AFFAIRE AVEC CE MAGASIN. Je partage mon avis et ma mauvaise expérience avec tout le monde, mes proches et amis....En principe le directeur peut résoudre le problème mais il dit c'est moi qui décide. C'est décevant et horrible et malhonnête. 733 plaintes l'année dernière ! "

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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



I cannot help you it’s Kitchen Aide’s Problem

"After 70 days the main board of the Maytag washer is the problem.
I went back to the store to speak to a sales manager . As soon as they heard it was a customer complaint
the manager informed the girl to say it’s the salesman’s responsibility to help me. The salesman filled out a complaint sheet that was emailed to the head office supposedly . No response from Head office .
I then wait a couple of days and to my surprise a new twist I was asked to deal with Richard Carette in Lasalle. This person has no understanding of customer frustration he spends his time telling you how to calm down . So on this visit I listen to all his explanation and I took a deep breath and listened .He tells me a service person will come and look at the problem . The service person comes tells me a new main board is required, and he also tells me that he would call me back with the date that the new main board will arrive. Another 7 days go buy and no call from service person .
I decide to call today Carette assistant to the Director. So I ask I have no answer on when the part is coming . His response well Kitchen Aide is extremely busy producing new orders . So at this point I tell him this is a dumb answer . Obviously which such a response I realize this person needs wake up call.
He basically said it’s Kitchen Aide problem , but I bought from B&M a
washer . So were is the support from B&M according to Carrette none. I told him I would call head office it did not disrupt him at all.
It’s easy to push the problem to the supplier and then wonder why the customer is frustrated .
So if B& M has no more responsibility once they deliver what is the purpose of B&M . They are like the old car salesman that bait you and leave you stranded .
I would not recommend B&M to nobody they are pathetic when it comes to customer service . They have the clout with their supplier would it have been hard to say if within x days it’s not resolved we will replace the appliance. They lost me as a customer and trust me there were numerous people in line to talk to Carrette playing psychiatrist on how to calm down . I wonder how he would act if he was the customer .
I do not recommend Brault & Martineau .

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



horrible at all

"if you would like to waste your time and money and be angry just choose it.
their customer service is horrible. they don't answer they hold you for more than 1 hour.
they don't deliver your product in good condition and on time. you should run after them in order to have your rights.
I was forced to take leave 2 times in order to take my bed set,


Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Won't deal with them anymore.

"Bought a sectional sofa, one cushion is not as firm compare to the rest, sent a technician and put an incorrect and smaller size foam to make it more firm but you can see the foam line, he said there's nothing wrong with the cushion on the first place which I strongly disagree."



Still waiting for parts after 2 months

"Gatineau store 2 boxes out of 3 had broken parts for my daughter’s bed frame they exchanged 1 of the boxes but for 1 of the parts they decided to order it from the company so 2 months later still no one part please save yourself the trouble and shop somewhere else "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Livraison médiocre&Service à la clientèle absent

"Problème de livraison
Pas reçu mon frigo
Aucun suivi de leurs part
J'attends toujours de leurs nouvelles
Jai dû acheter un mini frigo en attendant

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Pire service

"Pire service jamais
On a acheter une chaise bercante
Arrivé à la maison, elle grincait énormément. On a appeler pour qu'il viennent la réparer. Ça va faire 8 mois qu'on attend et qu'on appelle quasiment à chaque 2 semaines pour avoir un suivi
Personne pour nous aider
Pu jamais brault et mardineault

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



le pire magasin - Comment ils sont encore en affaire, je l’ignore.

"Mes amis et collègues m’avaient averti que la livraison de B&M était très mauvaise mais j’ai pensé que c’est du chose du passé et la situation s’est améliorée.

Je me suis trompé! Donc j’ai acheté une laveuse et sécheuse empilable (superposées.)

1)    Personne ne m’avait averti qu’il fallait déconnecter les vieilles machines avant l'arrivée mais ayant soupçonné, j’ai tout débranché! J’ai même enlevé la porte de la salle de bain des charnières pour faciliter la tâche des livreurs.

2)      J’avais payé pour me débarrasser des vieilles machines. Ma sécheuse était en bon état et fonctionnait très bien. Donc ma conjointe a demandé de mettre la sécheuse devant la porte à l'extérieur de la maison au lieu de la prendre dans le camion. Donc, même trajectoire que de l’amener au camion mais moins de distance. On ne parle pas de la mettre ailleurs dans la maison.

Les livreurs ont refusé. Leur argument: soit qu’on l’amène soit que la laisse sur place. Notez que j’avais mentionné ça au vendeur.

Donc, ils m’ont pris ma sécheuse parfaitement fonctionnelle que je désirais l’amener au sous-sol avec mes garçons. Je présume qu’ils vendent cette machine à des magasins ou ils prennent des pièces pour les vendre… Bref, j’ai perdu ma machine!

3)      Ils ont prétendu que la corde pour brancher la sécheuse était trop courte pour joindre la prise électrique donc ils n’ont pas fait l’installation pour laquelle j’avais payé. Ça m’a pris 3 secondes pour brancher la prise de courant. 

A)      Donc j’arrive à la maison,et j’ai deux machines au milieu de ma salle de bain avec tous les boyaux par terre.

B)    Les vis des charnières pour empiler les machines ne sont pas serrées.

On a envoyé des courriels, pas de réponse!

Téléphone, personne ne répond!

Leur site pour clavarder a gelé en plein session.

Je vais au magasin, tout le monde t’ignore.

Comment B&M est encore en affaire, je l’ignore.

Tout ce que je peux vous suggérer c’est d’éviter ce magasin!


Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Horrible et mensonges

"J'ai réservé mon sectionnel depuis le mois de décembre. Samedi, je me suis rendue, vérifier si la livraison était bien le premier mars tel qu'entendu. La vendeuse, prend la peine d'aller voir, et me dit, OUIIIIII, tu es dans les premières. Je lui demande de retourner vérifier, et s'assurer que tout était ok. Elle me redit....OUIIIIIIII. Arrivée à la caisse pour donner le reste du montant, la jeune caissière très honnête, me demande si le magasin m'a appelé pour me dire qu'il manquait une partie du sectionnel. NON, je n'ai eu aucun appel, il se passe tout un tralala. On discute avec le directeur, il regarde son programme sur son ordinateur, car il se dit tout surpris. Un sous directeur nous demande de quitter car ils sont fermés et de revenir le lendemain. NONNNNN, c'est de 3,000$ qu'on parle, rien à foutre que votre quart de travail soit terminé. Le directeur nous demande de rappeler la vendeuse, oupsssss, elle nous dit qu'elle va nous rappeler dans 5 minutes, deux heures plus tard, aucun appel. Le directeur me rappelle, lui non plus ne peut pas me dire quand est la livraison. Finalement j'apprends que je suis la 80 ième sur la liste. Donc pas de livraison avant mai. Tous ceux qui ont acheté là-bas, qui n'ont pas vérifier, vont attendre longtemps la livraison, et ils ne le savent pas. Malhonnêteté de la part du directeur et de la vendeuse. Je vais chercher mon argent. Soyez avisé, que si le magasin livre une partie de vos meubles, sans vous livrer votre achat complet, vous ne pouvez plus vous faire rembourser. "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services



J'ai acheter des electro et.le service impeccable

"Mrs mathieu Brunet est le plus formé pour.donner des conseils au acheteur electro et qualité honnête et suis sa cliente de près je le félicite de son professionnel que je.navais jamais été aussi satisfaite Jennifer Papineau et bonne chance et.merci pour le service "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Brault et Martineau de St-Hubert, compagnie rayé de ma liste des magasins

"Acheté une causeuse le 26 novembre, livraison confirmé par le vendeur le 19 décembre. Arrivé au 19 pas de nouvelle donc je téléphone, après 5 essais je parviens enfin à parler au vendeur, il me dit ne pas avoir reçu les quantités prévues du fabriquant donc la livraison ne pourra pas avoir lieu avant la mi-janvier s'il reçoit les quantités prévues, je lui demande pourquoi il m'avait donné une date s'il n'était pas certain, mais sa réponse c'est que ce n'est pas de sa faute mais celle du fabriquant. Le minimum aurait de me téléphoner ou envoyer un e-mail pour m'aviser du retard de livraison. Je lui signale alors que je veux canceller, mais pour le faire il faut se rendre obligatoirement en magasin, on ne peut pas le faire autrement. POURRI COMME COMPAGNIE. Je me suis alors rendu pour canceller et j'ai été en acheter un autre chez Brick avec un aussi bon prix et livraison gratuite."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



They SCAMMED my elderly mother out of money!

"I do NOT recommend Brault & Martineau; they SCAMMED my elderly mother out of money! This is my opinion; see what you think as you review the facts.

On a Saturday a few weeks ago, my mom found a washing machine she liked at the Brault & Martineau in Brossard and the sales woman confirmed that it would qualify for free delivery since it cost $799 which is the minimum requirement at B&M (fyi that the minimum is only $695 at Home Depot and Reno).

My mom returned to B&M 2 days later with my brother to buy the washing machine. But the sales woman wasn’t there and it was a salesman that my mom and brother dealt with and he claimed that the sales woman was wrong and that the washer did not in fact qualify for free delivery.

My brother pointed out that the B&M website indicates free delivery with a minimum purchase of $799 and that the saleswoman confirmed it just 2 days prior. The salesman insisted that the machine my mother wanted did not qualify despite it having a price tag reading $799 so my mom and brother started to leave.

At that point, the salesman said “I’ll give you a deal. I’ll drop the price by $20 so it’ll be like you’re getting the disposal fee for free and I’ll charge you “only” $40 for delivery.”

Having seen that neither Home Depot nor Reno had any inventory for the washer she wanted, my mother had no choice - since her washer broke and she needed one right away - to agree to the pricing which ended up costing her $20 more than it should have:
Correct pricing: $799+$20 disposal fee + free delivery = $819.
Salesman scam: $779 +$20 disposal fee + $40 delivery = $839.

Upon learning about this UNETHICAL behavior, I called B&M’s corporate office. I left messages over a 2-week period providing both a phone # and an email address but I’ve received no calls and no emails from them which tells me they condone this unethical practice. This doesn’t surprise me given that the salesman indicated on the invoice was Daniel Martineau. I assume he’s either the owner or related to the owner so I would imagine no one at the corporate office wants to go against him.

My mother is in my her 70s and lives on her old age pension. I hope B&M is happy that they got an extra $20 out of an old lady. And I hope YOU spend your hard-earned dollars ELSEWHERE!

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process



Very bad poticy

"I bought a tv 2 days ago I received it today
December 11 2020 didn’t like the quality of
The image after 5 hours that received it by courier service took it to the store they told
Me we can not give you refund I told them
When we purchased the tv nobody told us
It exange only the rep told me go on the Brault Martineau site you’re going to see it there
Me i don’t know anything about the internet site we came to the store I think you’re salesmen are only to taking advantage they
Should advise the people that there is no refund I think you’re service **** it the last time
I’m shopping there I’m going to continue to put
Bad reviews every where and calling the consumers if you have anything to say you can
Call me
Sako ***-***-****

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges