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High price for a cheap radio

"This radio is just terrible for the price. Despite being sold as the best am reception available it is without a doubt. I have sixty year old tube radios that put it to shame. Virtually no am reception. Read other reviews. This company is very deceptive and not recommended for anyone."

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases



Product quality

"I used to deal with Elton grundig but from my last 2 experiences I have given up on them.i ordered 2 radios.neither one worked when I got them.sent them back paying shipping.received them 6 weeks later.1 worked.the other developed a new problem.the quality is not there.
Anymore.side by side the grundig was a poor performer

Pricing of products and services



Very poor products

"I've owned 4 C Crane radios over the past 4 years. Every one of them has been defective in one way or another. I guess I'm the definition of an idiot; I keep making the same mistake over and over again and expect a different outcome. My 4th radio (the Skywave pocket radion) has just stopped functioning. I'm going to return it and ask for a replacement. In 1980 I owned a Sony am/fm/sw pocket radio that I took with me to africa, where I spent the next 17 years. I then took that same radio with me to South America for another 8 years. I never had a problem with it. THAT was a well made product. Can't find that model anymore, otherwise I buy one. This will be my last try with C Crane.



"I really wanted C Crane radios to be great. They weren't. Three C Crane radios. All three failed soon after purchase but after the warranty period.

I purchased the CC Radio SW (149.00) and the CC Radio SW Pocket (49.00 not including AC adapter). Both broke in various ways within six months after purchase. The SW pocket broke three weeks after purchase and was replaced and the replacement broke as well.

What went wrong?

SW (149.00) began to have issues with the AC adapter receptacle. It would disconnect and run on batteries for no reason. Wiggling the AC plug revealed a faulty connection inside. They offered to send another AC adapter, but the problem was inside the radio. The handle is cheap. I have no idea why they brag about it. It's awful and holding the radio by it feels very awkward.

Also, the fact you cannot keep the light on (without holding the Snooze button for 8 seconds or whatever) is ridiculous. I realize battery power is limited, but there should be a simple on/off switch for the display light or remain on full time. The cheapest transistor radio at a dollar store has a display light. Also, the annoying 'beep' is VERY loud. That also needs to be constantly reset every time you unplug the radio. Both of these are not C Crane's fault, since they are design flaws. The radio is basically made in China, re-branded by C Crane (Also, I seriously doubt there is a ferrite twin coil or anything else inside the radio antenna since the original models from China do not contain it). The antenna broke off as well. It broke at the hinge. The metal fork hinge snapped at the base. It was not abused at all.

Both of the pocket SWs failed the same way. The tuning knobs broke. It would turn, but nothing happened. I could tell a physical break occurred since the turning no longer had any resistance behind it. Also, the pocket SW suffers from the same light idiosyncrasy. Ridiculous.

Here's the thing. I have hundreds of radios. I'm also a General HAM radio operator. I know radios. I have had radios since I was a kid. So did my parents and their parents. I have radios my Dad bought when he was a kid that still function fine. I have transistor radios from the 70s, with solid quality, good knobs, heavy resistance on the tuning knob, display light always on, and they last for weeks on a single 9V battery. Most are Panasonic (National) or Sony. Some are American made. But most are from Japan (where the best HAM radios now come from).

The C Crane radios I mentioned were a huge disappointment. Also, their failure affected my family as I got them for my ailing mother who was housebound. I returned to overseas only to hear from her that they broke.

I never got my money back on any of them. Big time FAIL for C Crane company. I won't buy anything from them again. They were polite on the phone and I requested to speak with Bob the owner, several times, since I heard that he is a very kind man, but Debbi (I think her name was) said that was not possible.

Ignore the invoice and date is approximate since I no longer have the invoice.

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I ordered GeoBulb-II & III LED Light bulbs, very happy with the bulbs in a few different fixture styles.

The shipment came traceable (such as it is) US postal priority mail.

Screw in Edison Bulb replacement LEDs are not cheap, but I use so much juice on computers I need to save where I can also I don't want to blow a fuse or look like I'm running a grow house to the utilities or cops.

CFLs take too long to warm up in rooms or hallways I'm not going to leave a light on.

The rest of the catalog is not interesting to me, I was there just for the VERY bright LED replacement bulbs.

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"My first C. Crane product was the original CCRadio. Then I bought a pillow speaker and a hot-rodded AM antenna for my car.

I just received my CCRadio Plus back from C. Crane with a full repair to the display. It had gotten to the point where it was unreadable.

Apparently this was a known issue for this radio for a short period of its manufacture--when the displays started to go bad in large numbers, Crane knew they had a defective design on their hands.

I have had this radio for over six years (!) and they still made the repair for free, and I only had to pay shipping one-way to get it to them.

This is a truly great radio for AM listening in problem areas where the signal is not the best. Combined with Crane's excellent Twin Coil tunable ferrite bar, you have the ultimate high sensitivity setup for low price. To get better performance, you have to pay five times as much.

This is because hardly any manufacturers pay any attention to the AM band. Circuitry from digital technology such as mp3 players and HDTV displays emits so much RF interference that you can't listen to even strong AM signals near your computer and perish the thought of being able to listen to Rush next to your home theater.

C. Crane is the last of the hardcore AM junkies, and they did me right with my defective CCRadio Plus--with a FREE repair 5 years out of warranty.

I listened to that radio for 3 years with no usable display, until I heard that C. Crane was making that repair free of charge.

Now, that's a company I want to do business with. I called, they set me up, and away it went. I was without my radio for a couple of weeks, and now it's back, receiving the AM, FM and weather bands as clearly as ever and with a perfect display.

I would upgrade to the CCRadio 2, which has the Twin Coil ferrite antenna BUILT IN! Now there's a distance-listening hot rod like no other AM radio on the planet.

But to make room in the case for the built in antenna, C. Crane had to remove the charging circuit for my beloved set of NiMH batteries. Now I would have to buy a separate battery charger instead of simply plugging the radio into the wall wart to charge batts. No way. I have C. Crane's outstanding Twin Coil ferrite antenna already--and if in the future I should need it I'll haul it out and let it do its work. I'd much rather have the charging circuit in there.

Folks, if you are looking for the ultimate AM hobbyist's company, it is C. Crane. And although they don't know me by name, they have always treated me like their most important customer.

As long as they are in business, I'll be buying from them.

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I bought a CCRadio Plus from CCrane that is defective. Periodically, it just starts displaying garbage characters and gibberish. When I contacted CCrane about this, I was told that I would have to *pay* to have it repaired since the radio is no longer within the warranty period. To me, this seems totally unfair since there is obviously a design/engineering flaw with the radio and they know about it (all the reviews for this radio on Amazon state the problem is widespread). Yet, CCrane is failing to stand behind their customer service and products, which to me seems very disingenuous and slimy of them. They said if I wanted a replacement, I would have to re-purchase the radio. I will not be purchasing (or re-purchasing) anything.

Frankly, I thought CCrane was a better company that this.

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"this is the last time i will do business with c.crane, i ordered 2 tivioli radios and after waiting two weeks for them to ship, i canceled my order and went to Target and bought the same radios for less $$$, the next day i checked the ccrane web site to make sure that the cancelllation was effective, ccrane had shipped my canceled order. after eight phone calls to ccrane. i have not recieved an RMA or credit to my credit card. you can find many of ccrane's products on the web from other merchants and get better service. i'm sure i'll get my money back, but it's really annoying to have to work so hard to correct their mistakes. also their very friendly customer service reps promise to act but don't follow thru, be sure that you follow up on ccrane promises. good luck and beware, Merry Christmas."

Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Ordered a radio and paid extra for priority shipping so as to have it by Christmas.
12 days later and quickly approaching Christmas no radio and no response to several emails to company. Made 1 phone call and got attitude from woman who's opinion seemed to be "you'll get it when you get it. Why are you calling me?"
I'll never order from them again and will spread the word to any one who will listen as to my experiences with them. Some how the concept of simple service is beyond thier capabilities.

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products on-time
Overall technical support
Resolving problems
Being trustworthy
Being knowledgeable
Making decisions on their own
Being easy to reach
Overall customer service
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service resolving problems
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site
Web site reliability



"I've purchased several items from C. Crane in the last several years. Each purchase has been perfect."

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Being easy to reach
Being knowledgeable
Overall customer service
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site



"their customer service was spectacular. I had no hassles with ordering or returning. I would use them again in an instant."

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall customer service
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Overall web site



"Truly great service and a very nice radio that performs as advertised. I saved some money($30) by buying a returned radio from the clearance bin. It came in absolutely perfect new factory condition. I must commend the company that the actual shipping costs were three dollars higher than what I was charged by Crane. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a high quality radio and great service."

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Overall customer service
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being knowledgeable
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability