"With the new flat rate shipping option coupons have been removed and prices have gone way up. The flat rate shipping may be good for customers on the other side of the country but most customers will be paying more to subsidize the flat rate shipping.
Acana went from $48/bag to $56/bag. The old %15 off coupon which offset shipping no longer works. I also wasn't keen on the omission of negative reviews on their product pages. Posting only positive reviews doesn't help the customer at all.
Because of these changes I have found another retailer which offers better prices and faster shipping. As I said though, this store may still be a viable alternative to customers on the West Coast."
"Doggiefood.com: Outstanding online merchant. Great prices, quality products, fast shipping and friendly customer service. What's not to like? Two thumbs way up! -I'm a repeat customer"
"I always check here first before buying from online retailers, but I read positive things from a number of dog forums, so I went ahead and purchased from them.
I am very glad I did! I found a GREAT deal on Greenies. Super friendly and quick shipping.