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Verified Shopper


"I met my husband on Eharmony a few years ago. We got married in September of 2014 and I couldn't be happier! I'm still amazed at how much we have in common. Answering all those questions at sign up is worth it! If you are looking for a serious dating site, then forget all the others and sign up with Eharmony. This is the site that will provide results. "

Verified Shopper


"About 3 years ago, I lost my first wife of 30 years to lung cancer. I had already spent 2.5 years mourning her as it was fairly apparent that this scourge would get her eventually. After she died, I spent a winter and spring finishing my mourning and decided that life was too short to be lonely the rest of my life. Having been out of the dating scene for over 30 years, I had no idea how to get back into it again. I researched a number of on-line dating services and came to the conclusion that was the one that was best suited for me. I joined and spent a whole day answering the questions as honestly as I could. I begin to get matches almost immediately, went on a few dates, but didn't really find what I wanted. Finally in late spring, I met a lady via that was a perfect match for me. We dated for the rest of the year and ultimately got married on Christmas night of that year. We have been married now for a little over a year and have a wonderfully happy life. Thanks so much,! "

Verified Shopper


"Hi hopeful relationship seekers,
In November 2013, I was still on eharmony looking for love. I did get to the point where I was comfortable with the idea that love and marriage may not be in my future. And, then I met my soul mate. Out of the blue, we went through all of the questions, began talking and met at Starbucks for hot chocolate. As silly as that may sound, my life changed forever that night. I thought he was too good to be true. My family thought I was getting too excited, too fast. None the less, he proposed on my birthday in February and we were married on August 2, 2014, less than a year after we met. I married the sweetest man I've ever met. So, keep trying. Don't give up. And, wait for the person who completes you. I did and we are blessed everyday!

Verified Shopper


"Actually, I'm not real happy with eHarmony. If I am supposed to be so 'perfectly' matched with all those men why is there not more communication? I've sent flirts and hear nothing back.
I will continue to check the site and look at matches until my membership expires, but will probably not renew.

Verified Shopper


"I am very happy with eharmony. I dated three men and the last is now my husband, so I would consider that a success."

Verified Shopper


"I just want to let you know that because of Eharmony I met the man of my dreams. Sounds corny I know, but I'm very happy and totally in love with him. It was easy to use and I met people that actually met my profile. I'm excited to say we've been engaged for about a year and I AM GETTING MARRIED THIS OCTOBER. I just want to thank you for having a place where you can meet people on your own terms. Dating is tough enough these days and it's nice to have a safe and fun place to try to find that special someone. I'm constantly telling people about my experience in hopes that they themselves or someone they know might benefit from my love story. One of your biggest fans. Christina :)"

Verified Shopper


"I am a success story for Eharmony. I met the man of my dreams. Roy (Goodwin) and I are getting married this coming May. I have never been happier. Eharmony really works. We always, recommend this site for our single friends who want to start dating. When Roy and I met....that was IT. We were pretty much together after our 1st date. "



"I used Eharmony back in 2009 and met my future wife on it. We were married in November 2011. We are now in the process of getting divorced. Eharmony is a ripoff."



"Absolutely Wonderful! I found the love of my life on here, we were matched up in Aug 2011 & we just got engaged Dec 2014 & are planning our Wedding for Sept 26,2015. I couldn't be happier , he is truly my Soul mate. Thank you so much Eharmony for bringing Jeffrey Clifton into my life without you we would have never got the chance at true love."

Verified Shopper


"I am very pleased with the success I had and the quality of your forum. I was not too happy about having to sign on for 6 months. You should at least allow your clients to acquire a 3 month membership."

Verified Shopper


"I wish I hadn't wasted my money with this bunch. It's a rip off. First, all I get are TONS of so called "Matches" that don't even have pictures of themselves. I asked the customer service people if I can filter out "Matches" that don't have pictures and they said no. I think st of those (if not all) are fake "Matches" to make you think the service actually works. It doesn't . A year ago I met ONE person I actually dated for several months. Both of us requested that copies of our communication history be sent to us. We were assured by two different reps that they would be sent but NEVER were.
The commercials make you think you're going to meet alot people but most likely you will simply waste time (if you are a man anyway) sending endless messages to people who either won't answer you because they are looking for a wealthy sugar daddy or you will responses from 350 pound dogs. The world doesn't work any different here than in real life: If you aren't rich enough or young and handsome enough to find a compatible mate in the real world, YOU ARE NOT LIKELY TO FAIR ANY BETTER HERE. STAY AWAY FROM ALL THESE MATCHING SITES. You wind up paying alot of money for a little bit of hope but wind up with ALOT of DISAPPOINTMENT

Verified Shopper


"I met and fell in love with a man from Eharmony and just over Christmas he proposed! I wasnt meeting the right kind of guy before I joined and doing so has changed my life for the better! A 2016 wedding is being planned. I would say this is the best online dating site out there! Anyone serious about having a new relationship should give it a try!"

Verified Shopper


"While the profile process was very tedious and long, it was well worth it because I was matched up with the man of my dreams. We are compatable on every single level. I was matched with him after 2 weeks and we immediately hit it off. Our first date was tennis because neither of us had been on an EH date and didn't want it to be awkward. It was the best date of my life. After 1 year of dating we got engaged and then married. We now have a beautiful baby girl. I owe this amaIng life to eharmony. My husband has far exceeded my expectations as a husband and now father. I couldn't ask for more or change a thing about him. It's amazing how things work out. Thank you eharmony and for giving me this fairytale life that I never thought existed. "



"I/we can't recommend Eharmony enough, but we try! Using their system of getting to know the person you might want to meet, I met several very nice ladies and then met Lisa who has become the love of my life. We have now been together for 18 months and are in the final stages of planning our May wedding. Thank you Eharmony. Roy & Lisa"

Verified Shopper


"I would like to have an option of if someone is active in the past month that they are looking for a really looking for a match . Many of the matches that I have been sent have been inactive for a month."