"I love the quality of your products. So must so many others, because my faves styles are never available in my size. Very frustrating! "
"Easy to find items of interest to purchase.
Love these products that are super comfortable to wear & easy to clean when needed."
"All the pants are high rise, which doesn't work for my boat type. Too many cropped jackets and shirts.... None with hoods! "
"I ordered 2 shorts at $10 each. At checkout 1 was $10 and 1 was 14.99. Why the extra 4.99??
"Easy to browse and order. "
"Great products! Very user friendly."
“Hello Dave,
Thank you for sharing your shopping experience with us. We are delighted that you're satisfied with the products and services we provide for our members. It has been a pleasure doing business with you! Have a great day!
Allison ”
"Fast and easy to shop. Easy to pay. "
"My exchange order somehow got cancelled due to lack of product in warehouse. I called to see where and why our exchange order was cancelled. The items were back in stock and they made sure the price stayed the same and helped me repurchase my order"
"I love the pants and bras"
"Bought some great pants and bundle kit for my son!"
"I very much love the style selection and color options! Fabletics is my new favorite brand , you guys knocked it out of the park!"
"The service at the King of Prussia mall was amazing. "
"Thank you for the great deals for first time buyers! My son is excited to get these shorts in!"
"Had to go back three times to order and got conflicting information on fee vs free in mailing costs. Thought I was getting free bit ended paying $5.95 +/-"
"Easy ro use and good selection of items"
"Fair. Little trouble getting the codes sent and received. "
A rep from Fabletics, KIdongtechstyle, has responded:
“Hi Christie,
We’re sorry to hear that you’re having trouble finding the styles that work best for you! We completely understand how important it is to find the right fit and design, and we apologize if our current selection of high-rise pants and cropped jackets hasn’t met your needs. Our Member Services Team will be contacting you immediately.