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Contractors - avoid Home Advisor

"90% of the leads we received you cant even make initial contact with, the other 10% you pay for tire kickers. Lets add this up, you have to pay Home Advisor $97 for a phone number and email that more then likely won't work. If it does, add the time it takes meeting with the client and discussing the project details, just to find out they can't afford it, or simply are just bid shopping.

By the time you may get an actual job, you will be well over $1000 invested from other leads, and that will cut into your bottom line profit.

What really sent me over the edge were the business practices at Home Advisor. When I first started to check them out they wanted to do a pre screen background check which was fine, except they needed a debit card on file to push it thru. After being assured the card wouldn't be charged, it in fact was and the account was setup. I called to cancel and they told me they cannot refund the money, however they did offer 6 free leads, which I regret I accepted. After about a week the leads were all used up and not one job had come of them, I called for a refund and was told that "the 3 day period allotted for refunds has passed". My initial first phone call to cancel was well within the 3 day period.

Long story short, I ate the $400 membership fee and cancelled anyway to not be apart of this shady business. Live and learn, don't make the mistake that cost my company $400. A lot of their reviews are bought, there are a lot more contractors like myself that are livid and extremely unhappy with Home Advisor.

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Rep reply posted 2018-02-28
A rep from HomeAdvisor, HASupport, has responded:

“Hi EliteRestoration, We're sorry to hear you had anything but success with our service. We're always happy to address any account concerns and discuss strategies for success. To speak with a rep about your old account, please call Customer Care at 877-947-3639. -HASupport”



I was scammed by a contractor recommended by HomeAdvisor, HomeAdvisor didn't help

"I was charged 5 times the average price for the work and the work was not done properly or completed. HomeAdvisor thought a good settlement would be to get the contractor pay me back the extra expense I acquired to fix the work. Fixing the poor work was not expensive since the initially work was simple so I was the one that end up loosing. Also the contractor has good reviews in HomeAdvisor, but very bad ones in Yelp and it's not listed in Angie's List. Make wonder how they rate contractors."

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Rep reply posted 2018-02-28
A rep from HomeAdvisor, HASupport, has responded:

“Hi mmny07, We're sorry to hear you had this experience with a pro you hired. As we are not involved with our pro's prices, we recommend getting multiple estimates in order to find the pro that fits your budget. We do not rate our pros, they are rated by their previous customers and we welcome you to submit your review for the pro here: If you would like to speak with a rep further about your experience, please call Customer Care at 877-699-4736. -HASupport”



Don't use.

"HomeAdvisor is an agent without doing any quality control to the real contractors they recommend. I got a home inspection through them in June 2017, the guy didn't find several major flaws, including leaking sinks, no hot water bathtub, once being flooded basement, empty air hood (no fan, no motor inside. did he ever turn the power switch on? !!). When I complained, HomeAdvisor said it's not their responsibility! "

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Rep reply posted 2018-02-15
A rep from HomeAdvisor, HASupport, has responded:

“Hi redhatw, We're sorry to hear you had this experience with a pro you hired. As we are a source of advertising for pros and not a legal entity, there are some limitations in the power we have over pros. That said, we are more than happy to look into any concerns if you call Customer Care at 877-699-4736 or send info to Please also feel free to share your experience with others by submitting a review for this pro here: -HASupport”



Home Advisor is a big scam

"They sell your information to any contractor that wants it good or bad.. Home Advisor make $50-$90 off of every contractor that they send your information too. "

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Rep reply posted 2018-02-13
A rep from HomeAdvisor, HASupport, has responded:

“Hi info-45682, We're sorry to hear you feel this way about our business, we are not a scam. We screen our pros and take this process very seriously, please feel free to find more information about our screening here: We're happy to address any concerns you have, please call Customer Care at 877-947-3639 to speak with a rep. -HASupport”



Contractors pay for their leads.

"As a contractor for two years with Home Advisor I would definitely not recommend using HomeAdvisor to get work. Most of the leads that you get are from customers who are not serious about getting work done. HomeAdvisor advertises that it is a free service. This is true for the customer but the contractor must pay a fee. My fees average $55 to $70 per lead. So if someone is just checking out the site and puts in the info, Boom I am out $70 and they had no intention of doing the work. That money could go to bills, groceries or a night out with my family. Trying to get credit back is extremely difficult. They will try to equate it to advertising and say that you are responsible to get the lead. Fine, I don't mind competing against any company for a job. The problem is most leads don't pick up the phone or call you back. When I get a lead I call the customer right away, (only during respectable hours), if nobody picks up I will leave a message. Then I will send an email with my contact information and then a text message. This happens frequently I will get no contact from the customer. How am I supposed to land that job if i can't even contact the customer? This is the #1 problem with HA on the contractors side. I myself had been on the HA site looking for a contractor. I did not finish or finalize the request but they still sent my contact info to 3 different contractors. 3 contractors out of $$. Oh that is another thing they will give up to 4 contractors the same lead. The problem with this is the customer will be inundated with phone calls. So as soon as they put in the request the phone will start ringing off the hook because all the contractors are paying for the lead. My experience with this is the customer will talk to the first 2. They don't want to deal with 4 contractors. They can also feel harassed by all the phone calls, texts and emails. "

Rep reply posted 2018-02-12
A rep from HomeAdvisor, HASupport, has responded:

“Hi NJBrett, We're sorry to hear you've had anything but success with our service, we do our best to provide you with resources and opportunities to help you sell your business. While we are not able to control when or if a homeowner will contact you back, we're always happy to address lead concerns and discuss success strategies. To speak with a rep, please call Customer Care at 877-947-3639 or send info to and a rep will reach out to assist you. -HASupport”

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"Very quick. Organized website. Easy to navigate"

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"I was dismayed when you asked how the pgroject was going today, even though only 24 hours had passed since i requested your help due to lack of phone books. I was also disappointed that yo do not provide your “Pros” with my contact information!!"

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"IPO was who I called in reference to wanting a new bathroom. Monday 2/5/18 2 salesmen came out and we went through many pages of different types of bathroom styles until I found the exact one. I finally found everything from the color tile, vanity down to the type of faucets I want. I put a deposit down yesterday just waiting for the next step. I see that they’ve made their next step and cashed the check so hopefully I will be hearing from someone ASAP."

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"Couldn't put in my address and go to next page."

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"This is my third time using home advisor. Wouldn't use any other site. Excellent."

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"The experience was good I will use Home Advisor again thank you for your service"

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"I like the simplicity this offers but not much listed for my area!"

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"Home advisor is a great service to have when looking for a contractor to hire for your home project"

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"To many clicks and redirecting....."

Verified HomeAdvisor Shopper


"Good,but now I need Mr.Tony Williams (Contractor) to Itemize Cost of Materials and How much he is charging for job. Fema is requesting everything be Itemize."