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A company that does not want to profit

"This company makes me feel that they don’t want any business. I ordered my laptop on the website and I emailed the customer service a couple of times and only got replied the fourth time. I asked about the expected deliver time and whether I could pick it up at the nearest store but the stupid stupid stupid staff just canceled my order? I was like: what the ****? I never mentioned a word about canceling my order and look what have you done? Don’t you understand English ??? And it’s been two weeks since I placed my order. I am pretty sure there are enough in the stock because it was on sell everywhere and they received from the producer at the same time. So I don’t have a **** idea what took them so long to ship. Never buy anything from that website again."

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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Worst online retailer experience I've ever had

"Honestly I've bought many things online, from many retailers and I've never witnessed such incompetency out of one in my whole life. I now fully understand why the online rating of this online retailer has gone through the ground. They don't communicate at all with their customers. The only time they would communicate is to tell you a bad news. I don't understand why is there such a lack of transparency. I assure any computer enthusiasts even if you see a good deal, do not buy from this store, unless you like having a bad customer experience."

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disgusting business practice

"memory express is terrible, wasted 6 months of my time while never keeping in touch or updating me on the status of my product, it was just unprocessed indefinitely, and I had to remember to email them time and time again. they never held a direct line of communication, you'd think once they assign you an agent they would respond but this guy would often leave my messages hanging for months allowing me to assume that I may have been frauded, they continued to hold about 2k of my money. after six months have passed and they had complications delivering my product, they were very responsive and tried everything to hold my patience, in the end, we agreed to send me my money back so I could make a re-purchase, they had agreed to keep the monitor there and keep in touch with me so we could work out the purchase, as I was about to make this purchase I noticed the price had gone up while they took 6 months to deliver on their end, I had notified them to adjust that for me but they wanted me to pay it and then they will arrange it afterward, which at this point I felt I had exercised enough patience and wasn't willing to buy it for more six months later, I actually went ahead and asked for a 10 % discount seeing as I was loyal enough to wait around 6 months for my stuff while not asking for a refund and was about to rebuy it a second time. I figured the least they could do is show some decency since it was close to black Friday where sales happen anyway and the fact that these guys had the worse customer service they wouldn't mind a 10% discount, but, this is the moment they chose to ghost me, seeing as they no longer held my money and they could no longer be held accountable for fraud. in conclusion, these guys made sure to keep their lines down for more than half a year, while they had staff handling the phones they never made it possible for you to call in and when they would call back they would have no excuse or reason as to why they decided never to update me on my stuff, almost as they had hoped id forget, and when asked to compensate me for my time, they preferred I still paid them the same amount which ended up being more expensive than anywhere else 6 months later, my product had gone up in price on their website. in full this company is gross and takes full advantage of any and all circumstances in order to screw you, they should be ashamed, and their handling of communication is appalling to say the very least, I could not call them, they called me, and when you decide to email them because calling never works, they just stop answering because they just felt like it"

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



scam company

"totally scam company, they never ship out your order and never reply emails."

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Horrible experience and they lie alot. They dont honor their IPR. My monitor was flickering heavily and i returned it for rma and they claimed after 3 days they couldn't reproduce it. i have video evidence of the flicker. i am bringing my pc to test it right in front of me. I would catch them in the act"

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Total Scam

"I bought a laptop for my son and they immediately asked for extensive personal information (pfishing) or said they would cancel my order. I cancelled and contacted visa fraud and the RCMP.


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Don't order from them. Frausters.

"Do not order from them. They charged my card, then told me they couldn't charge my card and that my order was therefore cancelled, and then they started ignoring my emails. "

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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process



Terrible minor repair service


- sent in laptop for a basic fix on the keyboard (inconsistent key connection) as I was uncomfortable opening it up and fixing it myself

-Were unable to fix a basic KNOWN problem for this specific laptop, and told me I needed to pay an extra 200 DOLLARS to replace the ENTIRE keyboard.

- I was frustrated, so I took it back, only to discover the FN key was now broken too, leaving me with no access to special functions meaning the laptop was MORE BROKEN than when I took it in. I was basically forced to replace my entire keyboard.

If you have a minor problem, take it to a local repair shop, or try to fix it yourself, because you might get shafted. Embarrassing experience.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service



Extremely frustrating to deal with about some things!

"Their website is super slow, unreliable and riddled with mistakes. They really don't care about customers, to the point of being condescending and rude. They are famous for treating customers like they are about as smart as a hammer. I have been building computers since Dos and Windows 3.1. Those were the days when you had to know what you were doing to get a computer up and running and 95% of people just bought their computers or take them in to get their systems fixed. They do not help customers by asking questions when buying products, suggesting sales of products that relate to what you're buying or similar products that could save you that hard-earned cash your doling out. Once in a blue moon, they will ask if you would like an extended warranty on your purchase. They are at the point that if someone would start a computer store they would be in trouble. Some people are annoyed with there tactics and attitudes. They are famous for putting up sales when they don't have products in stock. Customers who do purchase things online go to the checkout to find themselves having to pick out a different item because they refuse to sell items that are in stock at other stores, leaving unsold items left in limbo for weeks or more. Very short time to return products which really ****. If you buy; let's say, a video card on a Friday, your out of luck to return it the next Friday if something better or cheaper comes up on sale. Staff is no longer as knowledgable like they were a decade ago. Will not return products that do not have everything with it even if; for example, video cards that don't come with protective covers and won't correct or research the products they sell or change their policies. Management passing the buck by deflecting their responsibilities and telling customers it's out of there hands which are total BS because they are hired by the owner to make decisions. No owner would put up with their managers calling them every time an issue comes up. The owner would fire that manager and find a competent manager that can resolve issues without bothering them. Trust me, I was a manager and good at it. Most other stores honor their mistakes by selling the product at the advertised price and then immediately taking down the errored item or publishing the mistake right away with the mistake at hand and then showing the corrected price or quantity. Some stores really need to be regulated and held accountable for their actions so they stop using the motto...take it or leave it. It really is sad that owners conduct themselves this way. They do know whats going on with their stores."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



worst experience with these clowns

"Don't bother using these clows, they say they are "Express" yet.. all you get is hastles, they need to change the name. First they wait 72+ hours to contact me saying my IP is more than 2 hours away from my address, in which is CLEARY ISNT therefore lying.. and they want more information, MY ADDRESS MATCHES MY CC ADDRESS, WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? I order from many stores and they are the only ones that are a hastle AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Took the Money and Ran - Horrible unresponsive customer service

"I ordered some computer components on Cyber Monday, 2019 and they charged my credit card immediately. When no shipping confirmation was issued, I tried to reach them repeatedly via phone and email to obtain the shipping details. They did not respond to either, so I canceled my order and advised them I was alerting my credit card company's fraud/disputes department. They finally responded saying that a credit would be issued and to "allow 3-7 business days for the amount to reflect on your credit card statement." It's now two months later and still no credit. My credit card company's fraud/disputes department is now pursuing them.

Buyer beware - they are completely unresponsive and untrustworthy.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process



Wouldn't Honour their own Price Match guarantee

"We had ordered a Lenovo laptop on Friday, and the following monday Lenovo Canada had put it on clearance for 300.00 less. Memory Express refused to honour their price match citing that Lenovo was not a Canadian Reseller.

If its in Canadian pricing and being shipped from within Canada during a Canadian sale (Family Day Sale), then it's a Canada reseller in my opinion, whether or not the parent company resides elsewhere. I used to buy plenty from them but after this experience my opinion of them has been completely soured. We ultimately returned the laptop to them and was able to order it through Lenovo. Lo and behold it shipped from within Canada.

Stay away. Beyond disappointed they can't even honour their own policies.

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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges




"They scammed my friend 2k for a pc that’s worth $800 absolutely horrible. "



Unfair Policy

"When we were planning to buy graphic card during boxing week of 2019 and went to memory express, Calgary south location. They were telling me that we do have policy of price match and they did price match for graphic card. When we were planning to buy cooling fans and gone to memory express during same boxing week and asked for price match. They were telling me that we can't do during boxing week. Then I told him that you guys did just yesterday (during same boxing week) and his manager was telling me that that was just courtesy. He was providing completely irrelevant justification. This is double standard. They have low price guarantee and beat any Canadian store within 15 days of purchase from memory express which is clearly written on their web-site but they didn't follow even though we have purchased computer parts over C$1800. They don't have good sales staff and store manager. They don't have any courtesy. "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Logic is king at Memory Express

"Common sense policies, explained kindly. Will go out of their way to offer support, however hands are tied by manufacturers if in-store coverage is not bought."

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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges