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Useless money grabbing people

"Took my £400 same day then passed my delivery to XPD a zero rated on Google delivery company with the worst but cheapest possible outcome for me. Even though I paid for Saturday DPD delivery and cut Christmas short to be home it's not arriving. Can't have a refund as they need to wait for it to arrive back which based on the reviews of XPD isn't likely at all. Scamming scum avoid this company at all costs."



Horror story about worse online shop

"I would like to describe story which happened in real life however may be real scenario for Monty Python story.
I have never ever experienced in my life such idiotic, unprofessional behaviour which made me think that in this shop SKAN (probably real name SCAM) works just morons who have no ability to read even with understanding.
I placed my order for Asus Zephyrus M indicating as requested on the website billing adress and delivery adress. The second different. Suddenly after two days I got email that I was not at home and DPD couldn't deliver parcel what was not true as I was awaiting parcel in London under adress as indicated during order placement. Quickly after contact they informed me that they tried to deliver to... billing adress even if they had different delivery adress. They Promised to deliver on monday. On monday (second attempt and second day late for work because of delivery) got email that it will be unfortunately delivered on tuesday. Unfortunately I had flight to Poland for presentation which I couldn't do without computer. So I had to cancel my flight ticket and buy new one for tuesday and I was awaiting computer next day at 10 am as promised... On tuesday morning I recieved email that they apologise but it will be night. I had to take my flight to Europe without computer.
I asked last time that I will not cancel my order anyway (maybe using not so polite royal british language) and my flatmate in London can sign for me if they in return for all this caused chaos and uncompetence give me any discount. Every normal shop would try to make it up to customer but I suddenly recieved email as below:

> "Hi there,
> Since we last talked our payments manager has advised that he is not happy for the order to go through. The parcel will be returned to SCAN and a full refund given. Our issues are this:
> 1) 2x address change requests
> 2) First time order
> 3) High value order
> 4) Company only trading 1 month
> Unfortunately these flags make us believe that it may be a security risk to deliver to you.
> We apologise sincerely for any inconvenience. "

I am truly shocked because I never changed adress but phoned them twice to ensure they write proper adress I indicated during process of placing order. For some reason they kept sending confirmation excluding flat number which was indicated at the very beginning!! So these two phonecalls are marked as "adress change".

The rest is for me just pure example of monty python jokes about imbeciles:
I should probably for the first order in SCAN(M) buy computer for no more than 1k. Of course orders I could placed by LTD companies with long history (looks like they checked online and it is very important for them that company should have looooong history) but not 1 month. ( I need to admit that everything was already paid)
Probably I should also deliver certified by Royal Family proof of adress so that they can give me honour and privilage to buy computer in SCAM...sorry SCAN shop.

This one week story of contact with incompetent morons ended up with over 2k blocked for a week, failed presentation, cancelled flight and frustration how the customer may be treated by somebody who should clean shoes (probably also too complicated) but not run online store with computers.

Of course I do not recommend. And not because failed delivery as "**** happens" sometimes. I do not recommend only because they treat client as ****. They never ever admit they made mistake. The worse bunch of morons I have ever get in touch in my life.



"Easy ordering, quick service and delivery, friendly phone staff, good prices."

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avoid at all costs

"received parcel
2nd hand products
refused to replace
sent back and said ive damaged
kicked off a massive fuss and now refuse to sell replacements to me
so have half a pc from scan and half from elsewhere
absolutely useless and arrogant
avoid at all costs go to

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall product shipping and delivery process



Good luck if you want to return a faulty item!!

"I will try to keep this short, but I am absolutely miffed with Scan at this point!!

I originally reported an issue with my graphics card by sending an email to Scan explaining the symptoms, I received a response asking for a few more details about the issue. After a few emails I decided to call the store and they told me to physically take it into store so that they could test it.

I took it into store on 27th January 2018 and it was confirmed to be faulty by one of the members of staff at Scan. I received an RMA number which was 440893. I was told that the product had a 3 year warranty, but because it was over 1 year old (by only a few months), they would have to send it back to the manufacturer. I was perfectly reasonable at this point, everything was fine. However, I was told it could take several weeks to come back, Scan refused to substitute something temporary, but again I was OK with this. So off I went without a graphics card.

On the 5th February an order was shipped from Scan which I received a couple of days later. I received the EXACT same card back, not a replacement… I tried the card, and to my surprise, it still had the same issue!! I was slightly frustrated at this point, I called Scan and they told me it was same card and that they had updated the firmware on it… The original issue was HARDWARE, nothing that a firmware upgrade was going to fix! I was told to send it back to Scan again, to start the full process again… At this point, although frustrated, I understand that mistakes happen and so I sent it back, got another RMA number (442730) on the 10th February it was sent off back to Scan, once again leaving me without a card.

I received an email on the 6th March suggesting that Gigabyte were replacing the card this time. Scan did suggest they would send out another card themselves if they had stock available, but nothing was available so I would have to wait. Getting frustrated by this point… The card was shipped back to me on the 16th March 2018 and I received it a couple of days later. It was NOT a new card, it looked like another refurbished unit, this was understandable I guess, as long as it worked I really didn’t care.

So after a few days it started showing red lines randomly across the screen, I use 3 monitors and all had the same lines so it was not a monitor issue. After this happened the computer would usually restart itself. I thought initially this may be an OS issue, so I reinstalled windows, but the same issues occurred. I was playing VR for the first time since I received the device back today, and it seems to have killed the card completely, you can start the PC, but nothing appears on the screen at all, I have tried a different graphics card and the onboard and they work fine, it is just this card. As this is a refurbished unit AGAIN, whatever repair was done on it last time has clearly not lasted.

I called Scan today and was told yet again, to send it back so that they can test it! I am absolutely FUMING at this point now, I haven’t really had an apology from Scan, and as far as I am concerned I have purchased a product from Scan with a 3 year warranty, I expect that warranty replacement to be provided in a reasonable time frame. I have been without a working card since the beginning of January and now I have to wait again!!

In the event that Scan do something quick about this I will change my star rating, but at this point for now, I will never be using Scan again for any product or purchase! The company I work for was about to make a relatively large purchase with Scan too, I will be ensuring that this purchase is made elsewhere.


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Overall customer service
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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges




"Customer service, lmfao. These guys are a joke - avoid at all costs!"



Reliable Service

"I've bought from Scan since they first started. 15+ years ago maybe.

Always been happy with them and was dealt with properly when I had a new hard disk that would not format.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Difficulty refunding a faulty screen

"At the end of October, I purchased a 4K Acer screen from It arrived on Saturday the 29th, and I opened it and connected it to my computer on Monday 30th.

Upon setting it up, I immediately noticed 3 clusters of multiple dead pixels, at least 9 dead pixels in total. I packed the screen for return on the same day I opened it (30th Oct), requested an RMA which was accepted one day later (31st Oct), and returned it to on Wednesday (1st Nov). They wanted to test it and would then send me a replacement. According to the RMA tracker, the screen arrived on Thursday (2nd Nov) and was tested one day later.

Note that I had the screen for 4 whole days, and it was open for only a few hours, so even if it did not qualify for manufacturer warranty I was still covered by the 30-day right-to-reject under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Unexpectedly, last Monday (6th Nov) I received an e-mail saying that the screen had a small dent (with some attached photos showing this scratch), and thus would not be covered for any type of refund or replacement. For reference, the dent according to the photos is less than 2-pixels wide, which in a 27'' 4K screen means it's around half a millimetre wide.

I tried to argue that I had the screen for 4 days, so the scratch must have been present from purchase, but was too small for me to notice, especially when the large number of dead pixels immediately stood out. However, since I never noticed the dent, they now are claiming that I must've been at fault, and thus lose my right to a replacement or refund. I asked for the return case to be escalated to their returns manager, who did nothing other than to repeat their claim. As a result, I requested a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act's 30-day right-to-reject.

I received no reply before posting this review and threatening to take the dispute to small claims court. After doing so, I was contacted by Scan and offered a full refund as requested, as a gesture of good will, although they still assert that the law does not force them to do so.

Due to my problem being resolved, and in the interests of fairness, I have now amended this review to take this into account. In summary, if you buy from and need to have something refunded, be aware that you might have some difficulty doing so.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Terrible Customer Service

"They sent me a faulty motherboard, with a faulty ram socket, that is unlikely to come out of factory like that. Probably the motherboard has been repacked and sold as new. On top of that, they rejected to refund the return shipment expenses and refused to ship a replacement while they are testing the faulty motherboard, leaving me unable to do my job.
Worst experience with a customer service in the UK and my entire life.
Will never shop from them again.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Sold a broken keyboard

"Sold broken keyboard, forced to print off my own return document which cost money and package the goods to return. Told I would have to wait 4 days for a replacement, even though I paid £6 for next day delivery. Once they have your money customer service goes out the window. Keyboard was cheap, brittle and overpriced. Waste of £30."

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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges




"I spent over £3000 with these crooks and here's why I will never deal with them again. Informed Scan I could not accept the £700 Asus IPS monitor due to horrendous backlight bleed. Encountered a motherboard bios bug and informed Scan that depending on the response from Asus, I may return it as it's clearly not fit for purpose. Finally the Intel pcie nvme also had to go back due to Win 7 incompatabilities. No response from Scan.

During the Scan no response, I noticed an intermittent missing motherboard POST screen issue that was either the monitor or the motherboard. In order to expedite the build and as the current monitor was going back anyway, I thought I would order a different model to avoid the IPS back-bleed issue alltogether and so settled on a Dell tn-panel at over £500. The issue remained however, and during this time I had also received a terrible response from Asus regarding the bios bug and so had no choice but to return the motherboard also. On dissasembly, two pins of the cpu socket raised up and away from the socket as I raised the cpu carraige. I had yet to inform Scan of this final issue as they had still not started the returns procedure I had tried to begin over a week prior.

Scan were very slow in responding to their web-reporting facility that I had by now made extensive use of, and I wasn't ready for when they finally did. Specifically, they requested photo's of the IPS backlight-bleed problem which instantly raised red flags. Somehow Scan thought it right and proper to flagrantly disregard consumer law here. They were implying that they had the final say on whether I actually had the right to return the monitor, that I (the consumer) could not accept as 'reasonable quality'. Fully aware that the law applies to the consumer and not the retailer, I entered into a strongly worded exchange where I informed them that I didn't give a damn of their 'procedures', and that I the consumer cannot accept a £700 monitor of such poor quality. Also bare in mind they were aware that I had already purchased a replacement Dell from them, as they they tried to wriggle and worm out of their obligations under law.

Another week goes by, and I realise I haven't really tested the Dell monitor for any length of time and so decided to hook it up to my old rig. I notice a small sliver of paint damage above the Dell logo! And to this day I still don't know why the state of the monitor packaging didn't raise alarm bells immediately. The packaging was very badly tattered with 'Scan 3XS' tape all over it. They have sold me a second hand monitor as new here! By this time I had read horror story after horror story online about these Scan crooks, so I decided to contact detailing this entire episode thus far, and how I expected Scan to try and blame me for the motherboard pins I had yet to inform them of. I was simply informing them just how easy it is for unscrupulous companies to engage in fraud in order to avoid their obligations under consumer law.

I inform Scan that they have tried to sell me a second hand monitor as new and that this is outright fraud. Even more time passes, but I am still within the 30 day return/refund window (but only just) as dictated by law. I decide enough is enough and send them a written notice informing them that they are in breach of contract with regard UK consumer law, and if they don't come to their senses I most definately will escalate to the appropriate authorities concerning their unlawful behaviour.

Only after the products for return were picked up by DPD, did I inform Scan of the extra motherboard pin issue that had occured on dissasembly weeks prior, and that should they dispute me in any way I would carry out the threats I had been forced to make against them. The only reasonable thing about my experience with Scan was that I eventually did get a full refund regarding the items in question. It took over a month and some very strongly worded communications, but in the end they did fulfill their lawful obligations.

When I finally got my money back I went on and completed the build with products from Amazon, including the same model Dell monitor. The product packaging was vastly different from that received from Scan, especially the interior sticky wrap over the plastic facia's which was completely absent from Scans example. The exterior box was also of perfect quality and was itself carefully housed within an even larger standard brown delivery box. This is what a brand new £500 monitor looks like and come to think about it, the £700 Asus IPS didn't look this clean either! Never again!

Oh, I should also state that I never once called their 'premium rate' phone number either, even though they seem to ignore reports made through their web-based facility. Another simple tactic employed against the consumer to gouge them for a few more quid. Avoid these crooks like the plague.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Horrendous Customer support

"TLDR: All is fine and well unless you have to RMA, then the nightmares begin. A company is only as good as its customer support. I didnt want to do this review but left with no other choice.

Its not often I will go to a length to review a company or product, but this is my second time dealing with Scans RMA service. Firstly let me state I have been a customer of Scans for several years. I am an IT Technician with several years of experience.My first bad experience was with an EVGA 980 Ti ftw gpu which had incredibly bad coil whine, I purchased the backplate from Scan also which they initially refused to refund and rejected my initial RMA on the 980, it cost me €40 in international calls arguing my case with their manager.
They were failing to comply with consumer law, eventually with a ridiculous amount of emails and phone calls I finally got refunded. It was a horrible experience, I swore I would never use Scan again.
Which brings me to the present, I decided to give Scan one last try, what a mistake sadly. I purchased an Acer Predator XB271HU for €700,shipping was nice and fast as always, spent some time calibrating it with an XRite pro, come nightfall I test for backlight bleed and IPS glow, sadly it had much and didn't even need a dark room to see it. I decided to take some pictures to show Scan and Bernard accepted my RMA. I pack up everything tidily and safely and return it to Scan. Fast forward a few days and Scan reject the RMA, with the following reasoning (typos are theirs not mine btw):

Tested on DP from a GTX980ti at max resolution and refresh rate using a combination of static backgrounnds (dark, and then light against dark), streamed vidoes and GPU benchmarks. No backlight bleed was observed throughout testing. Left the monitor testing with a GPU benchmark in case the fault doesn't immediately appear, still no sign of bleed after 3 hours. No fault found.

So I decided to call scan before they closed, just as I finished work,the representative on the phone couldn't be more rude, kept reiterating over and over okay will send in for retest goodbye have a nice day, as I was trying to discuss my options with him, he didn't care, I guess it was close to closing time for him. So not being able to discuss my options with him, due to him not willing to give me 5 minutes (its only an international call after all).I decided to email them and change my exchange request to a full refund and order from Overclockers UK instead (hassle free returns). I will never shop with Scan again.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



Dishonest and NOT trustworthy

"I purchased over a month few items and it took over a month to tell me that items are not yet arrived although it said that the items were briefly in stock and while I processed my payment it disappeared "because of a great demand" and almost over a month they offered me a "no name" item that is way cheaper but because of demand (again) they extorted from me more money and then again same story just as I paid even more money (and accidentally they charged me 3 times, what a coincidence) the item was again gone ... and almost after calling on federal laws etc. I succeeded in getting the second item for which I still do not know what it is until I receive it (and they do not want to say, they only advertise that it is valued more than the original item I paid for and that if I wait it will only get more expensive or gone ...

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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



no refund no product

"After ordering a motherboard I realised I didn't need I contacted before delivery advised returning. returned in return time never used. Advised item faulty was the item.sent out now I'd not taken it out of the box it was a straight return. Refused refund. Spent over 2 grand with company and made to feel like a liar the email team where very rude saved all emails the customer service team were to they said they confirmed the item was one sent confirmed and I paid delivery wasn't cheap. Told well I must of somehow used it made it fault then bagged and tagged it so it was unopened. As if I would even be able to do. Don't use I lost a motherboard and over 260 quid"

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



NVIDIA Shield TV Pro 500GB Media Streamer

"I bought one product but they sent me different model which I want and if
I want to buy again same product nobody give me warranty that i get same model which is on their web site.
Absolutely not happy with Scan shop.

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