"Looking for specific card sleeves for my board games. Mayday has a spreadsheet with all the card sleeves needed as well as premade bundles for popular games."
"just looked for a good wooden train piece for creating a new twist on an already fun game. found a picture online and went to web page. thanks for the quick and easy photos
"Maybe integrated with a board games database, like BGG ? The kits are a very good idea, but could be improved with the shopper having to just type or choose the name of the game and Mayday would support informing the cards size and best fitting sleeves."
"It is safe to say that this is the best experience I have ever had with buying card sleeves!!! I don't usually get this excited about this sort of thing, but the shopping experience I got from Mayday games has made this $5 purchase all that much better!!!!"
"I found cool tokens at fair prices, I would definitely buy more if they get a wider collection."
"This place is great and has quality products. I only took off a star because the ones I need are back ordered. Again. "
"thanks for the sleeves, love the app!"
"Checkout was so fast and convenient. "
"The site is easy to use and the selection is great. The game related bundles that make it easy to pair sleeves with said games are great, I just wish more games were setup as I had to look up most of my sizes on another site."
"Second Order. First Went Perfectly."
"Great website, great prices, great product. Happy to buy from Mayday!"
"I've ordered lots of sleeves from mayday and they work wonderfully, protect my cards for soils, and people that think it's cool to put other people's game components in their mouths like savages! They have almost always showed up in perfect condition. I had one incident where the priority mail envelope they came in tore during shipping, one of the packs was damaged. I contacted support and they happily sent me a replacement. Would definitely recommend them!"
"Very smooth, easy and efficient."
"I was very excited when the package arrived this week! I opened it up and immediately went to work sleeving my collection of Dominion cards. This was definitely the best and most affordable way to buy Euro card sleeves. Thanks!"
"I'm really suprised that after placing an order for just sleeves for over 50 dollars it shipped 3 days after purchase...this is fairly careless. Next time I may take the extra mile to buy them second hand online retailers that are significantly cheaper than direct...and saving money instead of giving profits for carelessness."