Elite seals are prestigious banners given to retailers who are loved by their customers. To get one, a retailer has to consistently get high scores over time
My sign was run over by a truck, literally. The sign was damaged and the envelope it came in shows why. I will be calling the company.
"The title says it all. I will be calling for a replacement. It looks like the package was run over by the UPS truck and the sticky stuff from the envelope was smashed into the sign. Some of the braille bumps are broken off and the others have black tire marks or dirt smashed into them. There are a couple dents in the sign like the truck was very heavy. I needed this sign quickly and am not happy I have to wait for a replacement. I plan on calling today. I hope the process is quick and the customer service is stellar because I don't have time for this."
"We are tax exempt government agency; I do not understand why my account cannot be set up to reflect this at checkout. I know the taxes are taken off at a later date, but it causes us problems when ordering because we are not allowed to pay taxes. It doubles the work on processing receipts for the purchase. I will look into other options that can honor the tax exemption at check out.
"Choose from large variety of high quality of signs. Easy to navigate website. If you can't find exactly what you want, it's easy to customize. Highly recommend."
Welcome to the World's Largest Site Devoted to Door Signs.
Yes, Door signs need to comply with the latest regulations, endure the nicks and abuse from a steady flow of visitors and convey vital security and safety messages But, that does not mean that door signs have to be ugly, too! That is where MyDoorSign.com excels. We make it easy to order the same door signs that professional designers and architects specify. With dozens of colors, award winning Pictures and precision printing, our signs put a finishing touch on your building. And, it is all affordable, too. By buying direct you save.
Door signs are important on so many levels. Door signs are your face to the world, the first impression you make on visitors or how you exclude or include. At its essence, a door sign denotes who you are. As a result, each door can be unique. We offer over 10,000 different in stock door signs and over 300 easy-to-complete custom door sign templates for custom signs. Just add your own text.