"Took them 10 days to email me on 2/13/06 that there was a price mistake and my order for 3 harddrives would not be honored! Also ordered on the same day 3 external aluminum drive cases for said harddrives. Thank you for your recent order to purchase IBM parts from U.S. Maintenance Parts on ibm.com.
We regret to inform you that an error caused IBM Maintenance Parts prices to be displayed incorrectly during the period of February 1, 2006 through February 10, 2006. The error has since been corrected.
Among the products that were incorrectly priced was the disk drive part number 13N6793 that was ordered by you. The correct prices for this item is listed below:
P/N 13N6793 - $342.00
We are unable to offer this item at the incorrectly displayed price. Therefore, we have cancelled your order for 13N6793. If you wish to purchase this item for the correct price, please visit IBM.com to place your order.
Client satisfaction is very important to us here at IBM. We regret the temporary inaccuracy in our parts prices, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We hope that you will visit IBM.com soon and allow us to be of service to you in the future.
Only took them 10 days to notify me...........Does it seem like they care about client satisfaction?"
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