"Fake replica pills will be sent to you. They are packaged fancy and look legit but are of no potency. I think he "medications" I was sent to be of zero % active ingredients. I tried taking 4 times my normal dose and did not get any results. The pills are just salt tablets in the same shape and color as the authentic medications. File a charge back right away if they scammed you too. They tricked me and said they were sending authentic "Brand" medications to replace the non working "generics" aka fakes that they shipped out. The brand medication was not any better. Don't fall for their seeming good customer service and waste time shipping back the non working meds you receive. Just file a claim with your credit card or bank. To ensure these crooks don't get your money. Avoid them for sure you are better off paying more in the USA or taking a trip to Mexico for cheaper meds. These are not even generics from overseas they really are fakes without any actual medicine in them. Good Luck"