"A career in Logistic Management was desireable taking into consideration the potentiality in career advancement. On searching various sites I found Educba the most ideal site for taking up the course in Logistic Management.
The course initially set the objective on Logistic Management to understand logistics operation within a organisation and how Logistics management is a supply chain element that is used to meet buyer demands through the arrangement, control and application of the actual movement and storage of associated facts, goods and services from origin to destination.
This course on Logistics Management aids in understanding the essentials of logistics, how it could be managed in an organization, design of logistical system in an organization, measuring performance of logistics operation within an organization and how to reduce cost associated with logistics within an organization. At the completion of this course, I got a detailed knowledge of various kinds of distribution system, cost associated with logistics operation, strategies to reduce this cost, when to make and when to buy, etc. After getting a certificate for the course I was not ready to take up a job on Logistics Management. I am thankful to Educba for the excellent course material."