"I ordered a Lenovo T430S on Aug 24, 2012. I added 2-day express shipping to my order. The expected order date on my order was Aug 30. I thought with a little luck I'd have it today or tomorrow - Aug 31 / Sep 1. I never received a tracking number or heard a word from Lenovo since I placed the order. I used their website to check the status of my order using my Smartphone. The answer was surprising. Lenovo said my order did not exist. I next called the sales support number on the Lenovo website. After navigating the arcane system, I was connected to a CSR. The CSR told me there was a "shipping constraint" and the order would not ship for another week. I explained I coldn't wait another week and I needed another option. He then told me I wasn't the only person impacted by this constraint and I should just wait another week. This exchange went back and forth 3 times before I gave up and hung up. I was on my cell in a public space and it was clearly a waste of my cell minutes. I checked the website again and confirmed the sales line was staffed until 9 PM Eastern time so I had time to get home and call from my office. When I got home, I was able to check my order status on Lenovo's website. The ship date was changed to 3 weeks from now, not 1 week. The 2-day express shipping I paid for is now 7 days. I called the Lenovo sales support line and got a message that they close at 7 PM eastern time - 4PM in the Pacific time zone - on Monday thru Friday. They are closed on weekends. I tried to get help from the on-line chat tool on the Lenovo website but that was completely useless. While I love Lenovo laptops, I abhor this type of customer service. I will be cancelling my order as soon as Lenovo's sales support office opens again. I will also be advising my clients they should ignore my previous glowing recommendations of Lenovo laptops and look elsewhere for their new generation of laptops."

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