"Bought a 2023 Tracker Targa with a Mercury 225 Pro XS outboard from Cabela's in Gainesville, Virginia.
Before I bought the boat I noticed the engine was mounted too high on the transom and I said so to the dealer. They told me that it was installed that way at the factory and was standard. I've installed my share of outboards and know that was incorrect. I let it slide as I was unfamiliar with a deep-V hull. I have since discovered it is not an uncommon issue. After joining the Yarga owners FB group i read post after post of the engines being mounted too high on these boats and the problem being corrected by remounting 1-3 holes lower.
When I got it out on the water (the second time) for the 2 hour break in period I noticed cavitation at higher RPMs (above 2800) and water coming back over the transom while on plane. I sent a video to the service manager of this event. The transducer appears to be mounted too low and could be the cause of the water splashing over the transom.
First time on the water, within the first 5 mins the engine had a fault involving the shift actuator and the boat began taking on water into the bilge due to a screw hole in a hose for the live well and a missing live well drain plug. The trailer was missing the hubcap covers that were listed as part of the bill of sale for the 'tournament edition package' and the fuel gauge did not work at all. When I looked to try to find the leak I found the bilge full of pieces of insulation and screws from the manufacture of the boat.
I took it to back Cabela's and they were not able to look at it for a week due to a 'software issue' with their diagnostic computer.
Once they did look at it they weren't able to find anything wrong and told me to take it back out on the water to do the 2 hour break in. I did so, and around the 2 hour mark I got three faults on my Vessel view app. The same shift actuator fault, and a low charging voltage followed by a high charging voltage within the next few minutes. I returned to the dock and on the way I heard some rattling noises lower down in the engine housing. It was loaded onto the trailer and taken back to Cabela's. They still have it. I have yet to be contacted by the service department since it was returned last week (5 days ago). The general manager called me this afternoon from a request for a callback from Friday. He claims to be unaware of the issue.
I am missing the spring shad run on the Potomac and its tributaries as well as the largemouth pre-spawn and the tournaments with my fishing club. These events were a huge factor in my purchase of this boat as well as previously planned recreation time with friends and family which were cancelled."