"I was a little skeptical about placing an order with EBGames after seeing all the bad reviews. But, they are the only reseller who is offering "Itha's Bow" as a bonus item when one preorders Guild Wars.
I placed my order this past Tuesday, 11/2. I am wanting it by this weekend, so I can participate in the beta preview. So, I tacked on a little extra money to get 2nd day air shipping. That night, I received an email from them saying the preorder package with the code to get into the beta was shipped. I thought, "Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Same day processing!" I thought they would surely get it to me by the weekend.
Well, I was wrong. I have yet to receive a tracking number nor the package from them. If it was shipped on Tuesday and I have 2nd day air shipping on it, there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be here by now. It should have actually been here yesterday at the latest. Since I have no tracking number or package, my best guess is that they just bold face lied to me in that email. I bet it's still sitting on the shelf in their warehouse.
Thankfully, I'm a Gamespot Complete member, and they are giving out free codes to this month's Guild Wars beta preview. This kind of calms my nerves since I'm still getting to participate despite their screw up.
My next course of action is to email them and ask what's up. If they give me that account fraud bs excuse that I've heard a few of you mention, I might blow my top.
I recieved the package shortly after writing this review yesterday. Everything looks intact. The only real complaint I have is that it took three, maybe four days, depending on whether you count the day it was shipped, to get here.
Since the only problem was that they didn't uphold the two day air shipping, there is a slight chance I will order from them again
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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent