"On 10/9/12, I purchased Endnote X6 Student and it was shipped quickly, as the mail facility at my university received a package from studentdiscounts.com on 10/12/12. However, when I went to pickup the package at my department's office, all I received was a busted padded envelope with the bottom separated and an address label with a tracking number. No CD, no CD case, no paperwork. I guess the contents were either lost or stolen during shipment, regardless the package was open at the bottom. I contacted the Engineering General Mail Facility, the University General Mail Facility, and the main Gainesville General Mail Facility, reporting the lost contents and tracking number, but I had no luck.
I figured studentdiscounts.com may send me another copy, so I called them up on 10/16 and their customer service rep told me that I am responsible for the missing/lost/stolen CD and must assume the loss.
Being out both time and money, I was not at all pleased at this time.
10/17 AM: I write a review at Student Discounts, giving them horrible ratings.
Update 10/17 3:30PM:
The StudentDiscounts.com customer service rep called me direct and claims he is willing to replace the missing software free of charge if I change my review, so I changed the review to all five stars, despite my current 1 star rating of everything besides shipping speed.
3:54PM I called back and I told them I had given them five star reviews, so then the customer service rep told me that it was shipped right away and they even were willing to ship it to my house address, instead of my university address. I was also told I would recieve an email with the tracking information.
10/17 5:28 (Eastern Time) I call them up because I have not received the tracking number, the same customer service rep claims to have sent it again to my university and gmail address.
I will follow-up later on if I receive the replacement shipment.
Update 3. 10/17 11:00pm Still no email with tracking information. I will contact them tomorrow and get the tracking number directly, or revert my review back to a true representation of my experience with studentdiscounts.com and purchase Endnote X6 elsewhere.
Update 4: 10/18 10AM Eastern. Customer service rep calls me up again, saying the review reverted back to a 1 star rating, which maybe because the review hasn't updated from my original post. I tell him I did change it and I still have not received any emails from studentdiscounts.com with the tracking information. After he verifies that my live review was revised to all 5 stars, he then gave me the tracking number and everything appears to be correct. The package should be reaching me on 10/21 or 10/23, and I will update then.
Update 5: noon 10/21: received the missing software and studentdiscounts.com business card on padded envelope. As I requested with the customer service rep, the padded envelope was reinforced with n packing tape and was intact. The software inside was in factory sealed packing and was obviously new. I now think studentdiscounts.com is legitimate and all in all i may even return as a customer, since in the end they resolved the situation promptly and gave me the benefit of the doubt."