"Their customer service was great and helped me to figure out the best products to get for my girlfriend since I'm clueless about this stuff! They shipped fast and well, and were an overall flawless shopping and buying experience!"
"I placed and order for a NaturalPoint TrackIR 5 as they had the best price on it, and a good forum reputation. They shipped fast, they were great to deal with."
"New site, low prices, and apparently they shipped people USB cables when they ordered $800 worth of video cards.
"I am looking at making a Processor upgrade, my mouse was hovering over the submit order button last night, but when I tried to get more info on the CPU to talk to NewEgg about carrying it I encountered some interesting news that is holding me back (including TigerDirects iffy Customer service history found here). That is the fact that Intel does not list this Processor as having been made, and a call to intel suggested that it wasn't made if it can't be found here: http://processorfinder.intel.com/scripts/default.asp
Is there a 2.8 CPU that has a 400/533MHz FSB? I asked.
I just Called Intel Back, and was elaborate in my explanation of the situation to another rep at Intel, and he stated simply that Intel has not made a 2.8 with a 400 MHz FSB, and that there weren't any 533 that were backwards compatible. He also said that Intel does not do business with TigerDirect, and that are not an authorized retailer. He suggested that it was probably a typo.
Calling TigerDirect was more telling, the rep said that It isn't a typo, and that they get their info and prducts from Intel, when I said that the Intel guys said that this CPU wasn't made the guy asked if I wanted to order it, and when I said, "well, I want to verify that it is in fact the 400FSB 2.8" he hung up on me.
I don't know about you guys but I am not thinking TigerDirect is a company worth my business."
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Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time