Save yourself a huge headache and avoid this company at all costs
"I wouldn't even give this company a 1.
My full detailed review is too long for this site so I'll sum it up.
Between May 11 when I placed my order and today, July 6th, I am still fighting with this sad excuse for a company for a refund I was told I would get to my credit card and in turn they're only offering a useless gift card I will not use.
I placed my order on May 11th, weeks later I began questioning things as only half my order was shipped to me but the site showed the status as "fulfilled".
By May 31, I was told my 2nd half of the order was lost in transit and a rush order would be processed and sent that week.
A week into June, I was questioning where is the shipment information as I was not notified the 2nd half had been shipped yet and started asking for a refund on my shipping costs.
Amy, the person I had been emailing responded to that one with saying she has personally placed my combo with shipping and it would go out that day. She says and I quote from the email "there is absolutely no way for me to refund the shipping expense however I have made sure that you will not be charged anything extra. Since this is an international order sometimes due to the bulk of the items additional shipping is required. In your case I have made sure no additional charges will apply."
By middle of June, I was still asking for shipping confirmation and both emails were ignored.
June 21 a delivery man was on my doorstep with a much smaller box than the first delivery but he wasn't just asking for a signature, he was asking for another $20 in taxes and fees per the label on the box. I pulled the email up on my phone to show him there are to be no additional charges but he can't do anything about it so I call up Amy immediately and ask what's going on, this is what your email said so why the additional fees? She puts me on hold and comes back with an apology that she made sure there would be no more charges from '"the company" but have nothing to do with border fees. I summed up her email and made it clear that is not what was said and I would not be paying any more costs as this was an awful process all together for an item I should have received over a month ago. She tells me some orders have fees due to weight and size which I already know and understand but ask her how does the first delivery of a 6 foot box that takes 2 hands to hold not have any additional fees and this smaller, 3 foot box the delivery man was able to hold with 5 fingers does? This is not an acceptable answer. The delivery man got tired of waiting so he left with the parcel.
With Amy still on the phone, she offers me a gift card but my answer was no, she could call up the post office and pay the additional fee I was told I would not have as this whole thing was an unacceptable process. She tells me she has to discuss this with her manager and will get back to me tomorrow.
June 22 I received an email from Amy saying and her manager was spoken with by phone and had requested I send in a copy of the receipt for the extra charges,and she would get back to me with the manager's response. That day I sent the receipt.
June 27 I sent another email to Amy asking for an answer and asking for the manager to contact me. She replied saying she has forwarded my information to the manger, will check in with her again today and tell her I would like to speak with her ASAP.
June 30 I emailed Amy AGAIN asking for the phone number to reach her manager directly.
I received an email from a Wendy, "customer service manager". She says and I quote "I will be going over your issue with my manager tomorrow morning and will contact you as soon as I speak with her".
I reply, I've been told this many times by Amy for over a week and am tired of getting the run around and wanted the manager to contact ME directly. This is the absolute worst service I have ever encountered. Wendy then called me later in the day to tell me she would be processing a refund to my credit card the following morning (July 1st) for the additional charge.
Today, July 6 I receive an email from Backdrop Outlet saying "your backdrop outlet gift card is ready" and it is for the exact amount of the additional charge to be used in their store at checkout. UNBELIEVABLE! I then sent another email to Wendy saying excuse me, but a gift card is not what was agreed upon, but a full refund for the additional charge, call me ASAP.
This store will never get another dime from me, including by use of a useless gift card I did not agree to. Still waiting for any response.
Needless to say, as nice as the finished product is, it is most definitely not worth the headache of this disgustingly poor customer service and I'll take my business elsewhere."