"I originally order a few items and sadly after my purchase online I received an email stating that they no longer had a couple of items that I had ordered online in stock. What suprised me is how willing they were to negotiate and trade items around so I could get other items that I had wanted that sometimes even cost a few bucks more! After having my order ship it was sent to my old address which I was luckily able to go back and receive my order at said address and after bringing it up to Fin-Addict they apalogized for the mix up and offered a free item on my next order. So I sent in for another order and the free item sadly arrived DOA because it had punctured it's bag with it's spines and Fin-Addict was very apalogetic for something out of their control and offer to send a replacement. Through an exchange of over 35+ emails I changed my mind multiple times on what I wanted my free item to be and not once did I recieve a negative comment, snide remark, annoyed reply, or a single complaint. Chris was more than willing to give me exactly what I wanted and after finally settling for an item I wanted and a replacement if it wasn't in stock he offered me both items! Every fish, coral, and invertabrate that I have ordered has always arrived in perfect health and I am more than greatful for the fact that they have constantly strived to meet my requests and have done so very respectfully and humbly."