"Since my brand new Thinkpad had some flaws i sent it to the local repair center.
After 7 workdays of hearing nothing, i thought i might give them a call, asking if there is anything wrong.
There i was told they had to order some spare parts, which they were still waiting for.
Another week passed and i phoned again if they had those repair parts, they said , nope still waiting.
So i phoned Lenovo directly, and they told me the same thing.
Another three days later i was recommended to call an IBM number, since some support is shared between Lenovo and IBM , for their thinkpads at least. Thats when i started writing complaint mails, since the employee at Lenovo recommended me doing that (i don't know why i have to phone and write an email, but whatever, fine for me).
They told me they would call me back later.
Which didn't happen, so 2 days later i phoned again, nobody picked up at first. So i waited an hour and tried again and had the luck the reach the first competent employee since this all started. She actually called me back this Monday, telling me the spare parts should arrive in Amsterdam this week and she will call me when they do.
Today is Friday and nobody phoned back, so i phoned them and another lady told me they were still waiting for those parts, she would send out another inquiry.
Then i tried the forum, where, nobody replied, even after a whole week (i didn't think id get any answer anyways, no big surprise)
So i phoned Lenovo again and they told me, that the repair center already received the first spare part, but were waiting for the second one. So now i had to different informations about those spare parts (which for some reason aren't available ,for a shortly released high end notebook!).
When i asked why nobody answered my numerous (3) complaint mails, i was told they didn't know. Great. But they will have a closer look, sure...
When i asked if i could call the people which handle the complaints directly, i was told thats not possible, but they will call me back. (It will be a wonder if they manage to do that, let me tell you)
This is the absolutely worst customer experience ever.
I have been phoning around about 3.5 hours in total, waisting time finding numbers, waiting for people to call me back, writing emails and hanging in lines. Also it cost me about 10 bucks, since some of those numbers weren't free to call.
Organizing another laptop cost me something too, i am a Student and can't just NOT have my laptop for more than a month.
So lets see how this will continue, i might get my laptop back this year, wouldn't that be nice ..."