"This seller's site was somewhat easier to navigate than others listed on Pricewatch. However, they do try to sell you extras before you check out. An item that is $70.00 can easily become $130.00 if you don't pay attention. I have attempted to purchase the same cpu chip on 4 different sellers from Pricewatch: Tufstore, PartsPC, etc. They all play the same frustrating game: sell you one item, then refuse to send it unless you agree to numerous upgrades. Don't allow yourself to be blackmailed. This site promises to have the item sent to me in 5 working days... we'll see! Other vendors have sold me a cpu with the "Barton Core" (OEM) and then called telling me they are out of stock, and I will have to pay $13- 25 more for regular AMD Thorobred. Obvious bait and switch. I am hopeful that this company is different. I guess I will have to wait and see."