"WOW do I wish I had read these reviews before I jumped on the Lenovo wagon. So, my old Dell desktop and laptop have served me well and I wanted to make a jump into the windows 8.1. Looking around I thought I would like to try an all in one and found Lenovo's Horizon 2e and the features and price point seemed tike it would be a great fit, so I ordered one and the next day, ordered a fully built Yoga 2 so I would have good compatibility between the two. The Horizon 2e arrived in a timely manor and I proceeded to unpack and setup the new PC. When I opened up the keyboard and mouse I had to install the batteries as usual with wireless devices. After plugging in the PC and powering up I noticed that the mouse and keyboard did not work, so I read the little pamphlet that came with the kb and mouse and notice that they require a USB dongle that plugs into the PC so it can communicate with the kb and mouse. The pamphlet also stated that the dongle should be in the battery compartment of the mouse or plugged into the PC, neither was the case. So I called Lenovo and through their voice mail menu selected the technical support option. Upon explaining to Angela my situation, she started to troubleshoot the situation, asking me if I had rebooted the PC (god help anyone who has to contact customer service) oh, I have to mention that I did verify my contact information so if we got cut off she could call me back, what do you think happened? Click, I was cut off and no one returned my call. So, I called back in and started over with another support representative, after explaining the situation (another 20 minutes) she decided that this was not a technical support issue and that she needed to transfer me to someone who could help. She proceeded to transfer me back to the main menu that I originally called in on :(.. I thought I would die. I this time selected the sales support and was connected with Arial who was able to understand the situation almost immediately, placed me on hold for a short period of time, then Arial came back and informed me that I had to pack up and return the entire Horizon 2e. I was like WHAT? and she explained that since Lenovo did not make the mouse and keyboard that I had to return the entire package. She did say that I would be on an express replacement. I called back the following week and they said that it was going to manufacturing April 20 something. WOW this is express replacement? I have decided to wash my hands of Lenovo and am returning my Yoga 2 (which I really liked) and canceling my replacement of the Horizon 2e. The product all seemed great but the customer service and replacement policies are a joke. I will be running back to Dell I guess. VERY disappointed with Lenovo."