I placed my order on Saturday Nov 1 in hopes of receiving the product by the following weekend. On Monday afternoon I received a call to confirm my credit card info. Since I was told that, due to this delay, the item would not be shipped until the following day, the operator agreed to change the shipping address at this time.
As it turned out, I didn't receive shipping confirmation until late Tuesday evening. Unfortunately the address used was a convoluted mixture of the original and second address, guaranteed not to reach me. I emailed Customer Service immediately to inform them of their error. Late Wednesday, having received no reply, I wrote again to express my frustration and asked what would be done to correct the error.
On Thursday morning I received an emailed apology for the error, but no indication of what would be done. I replied that day, explaining my need to receive the product by the weekend and asking that another be expedited to the proper address ASAP.
By Sunday, November 9th I had received no reply. I wrote to ask for an update and to cancel my order if the unit had not yet been shipped to the proper address.
On Wednesday, still having received no word, I called the long distance customer service number. In my search for an update I was transferred three times, with each person telling me I should not have been transferred to them.
In the end I was told that the item had been returned and that my refund would be processed over the following two weeks. Most frustrating was the repeated ambiguous phrase "you will receive the amount you are entitled to" each time I tried to confirm that I would receive a full refund. No one was able to tell me how much they perceived me to be entitled to.
Today is Monday November 17th, more than two weeks after I placed my original order. I have yet to receive my refund or any further word.
I have, however, received the item from amazon.com for a lower price and with a total 3-day, hassle-free turnover. I should have gone to them in the first place.
UPDATE, NOV 21: Received an automated email asking for my review of the product and service I'd received 2 days after posting here. Sent my exasperated reply directly to the CEO, Victor Setton, mentioned in the email. Later that same day I received an apology and the promise of a full refund. The refund appeared in my account today.
Still dissatisfied overall, but believing in the CEO's good intentions. For others in my shoes, here is the email address I used:
vsetton AT mobilecityonline DOT com"