"Just like every body else, this website is FRAUD.
I went to order the Canon Digital Rebel XT with lens yesterday. I placed the order and the first thing that confused me was the fact that after you buy the item, they say something about the price isn't final until you get the bill, they could add on, etc.
Then, I started searching for reviews... I feel really stupid now, because this is what came up.
I immeditaly emailed them saying they MUST cancel my order.
I called them, but they were closed on Sunday, so we ended up just cancelling our credit card.
Today, my mom gives them a call (we had a missed call from them) and she starts talking to somebody.
He claims he lived in Tasi, Afghanistan (which doesn't exsist) on 3456 Afghani Street. Hahahahaha. Then he asked my mom to write him some time.
She told him about the reviews and he replied with "Sometime if I find the time I will check out these reviews." And she hung up.
Man. I'm glad I saved the credit card. Haha."