"I do a ridiculous amount of shopping online from AE, about 2 times a week spending 60 to 120 dollars each order. I've had a couple of problems in the past but nothing that I would consider never shopping there again until now. I placed an order for 12 separate items and I get an email 5 days after I order that they had cancelled 10 of the 12 items because the sizes were now out of stock. Now a majority of the items cancelled were gifts for my sister's birthday but luckily I had placed the order a few weeks before her birthday so even tho I was mildly annoyed I still had time to place another order. So I buy 8 separate things using an AE gift card to pay. 3 days later I receive an email stating 7 of my 8 items were now out of stock.SERIOUSLY?!?! I do a huge amount of online shopping at numerous retailers and I have never ever had more than an item maybe once every 6 months at the most cancelled. Even before this I have had AE cancel at least an item or 2 every few orders but never on this scale of only receiving one or 2 items out of 8 or 12. Oh but it gets so much worse. So AE has this ridiculous thing that I have never in my life heard of any other company doing where if u buy something with their gift card and then they cancel items they do not put it back on the gift card. Yes you heard that right. See you have to call customer service and talk to them for a half hr so that some other department can open an "investigation" and then they will supposedly contact you within 24 to 48 hrs to talk to you about it some more but the 8 to 10 times that has happened to me they have never once actually called. Then they wait a few weeks, yes weeks, and mail you, not email because that would be to easy, a gift card. And about half of the times this happened to me they have been 3 to 6 dollars short on the amount they actually owed me. So I called to get that started and told the lady nicely how missed off I was about all of this and she said I'm sorry to hear that, nothing else. So I get off the phone and the more I think about all of it the more mad I get and I send an email to them and they sent me the same freaking email back that you all got. Sorry but have a nice day. Nope I will never ever buy from them again. I'm not a complainer, in fact only one other time ever did I call to complain or write an email and that company gave me a 50 dollar gift card on the house for there screwup and it was nowhere near AEs screw up. Never again"