Very good exhaust capability and it looks good; routine cleaning and LED replacement are a bit tedious
"We've had the dual-fan slim-profile 30" Under Cabinet Range Hood ( PLJW 185.30 ) for 3 years. The exhaust capability has been very good. The unit is also sleek and stylish. On the whole, we have liked it quite a lot. I'd give it 5 stars if it were a little easier to do a regular thorough cleaning and a lot easier to do periodic replacement of the LED lights and driver.
The grease vents do pop out without any difficulty and they clean up well in the dishwasher, but behind them are two protective grilles, one covering each fan. On each grille there are about 80 radial spokes spaced about a quarter-inch apart at the perimeter but getting much closer together near the center. Grease from cooking tends to collect on and also between these spokes. Each of these two protective grilles is fastened to the inner housing with six philips-head sheet-metal screws, and the two rear-most screws are somewhat difficult to remove, since the lip of the range hood's housing obstructs direct access to them. I'd clean these grilles far more often in the dishwasher if they were easier to remove and reinstall.
After three years, the LED lights have failed, and it is possibly the driver that has gone bad as it is making a whining buzz, like a mosquito, which I've never heard it do before. Proline does not stock a replacement LED kit including the driver, and are projecting a 4-week delay. I will be cooking in the dark so I've deducted another point for that delay, which I think is fair, since they're still selling this model on their website. It is the responsibility of the vendor to stock replacement parts, no? In any event, it looks as though accessing the driver is not going to be easy. The LED light can be popped out of the hood by removing the grease vents and pushing down on the light from inside the hood. The hard part is going to be finding the driver in a maze of wires, unplugging it, and reinstalling the new one. ProLine 's instructional video does not address changing the driver on any of their models, and searching for "LED driver" or "driver" yields zero results on their website. Pictures would be very helpful!"
"CPO's shipping and refund policies, combined with UPS chicanery, are creating a mess for me on something that cost me $380.
Short version:
In my opinion, the moment an item shows up on the UPS tracking page as "Shipment Halted" along with a status indicating that the item was damaged in transit, while it was in the custody and control of UPS, CPO should issue a refund. The customer shouldn't have to wait for CPO to receive the item back from UPS before issuing the refund, especially if the tracking page indicates that there may be a delay in that regard.
Long version:
CPO will issue a refund only when 1) the customer files a lost-item claim with UPS or 2) they receive back from UPS an item that was damaged.
The UPS tracking status showed Out for Delivery. The day of delivery, 1/6, the UPS truck pulls up to my house and I hear the driver knocking around inside for a few minutes, apparently looking for my package (it is a large one weighing over 100 pounds). Then I hear him say "We're missing a lot of sh*t today". It sounded like a phone conversation, not something he was exclaiming in exasperation, talking to himself. The truck drives off.
The next day, "Out for Delivery" is gone from the UPS tracking page! Someone replaced the status rather than adding a new one.
I contact UPS about this disappearance, and they tell me to contact the Shipper. CPO tells me that UPS has ten (10) days to try to find the package if it is lost, and that I should wait another day, when I will be able to file a lost-item claim.
By the end of the following day the tracking page looks like this (the times are just estimates, the exact times are not relevant)
1/8 8 am. Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed...
1/7 3pm Shipment Halted. Package damaged. Notifying Sender.
1/7 8am In Transit
12/26 3am In Transit
The UPS website won't let me file a lost item claim. And because of this possible delay, there's no telling if and when CPO will receive this package back from UPS. And what happens if it gets lost on the way back? I may have to wait for this refund indefinitely. I had to go to my credit card company to straighten this mess out. I won't be buying anything from CPO in the future."