Once was great, now total garbage. How I got my refund.
I had been using Overnight Prints for about 10 years and loved them. Great quality, decent delivery, great prices. I tried them again this year for simple business cards and was delivered 3 boxes of garbage. The cards were not all cut the same size, cut into the safe zone, not even cut square, printed crooked, the spot UV was misaligned, sloppy UV coated the whole card, delivered 9 days late (after our event).
Once I realized we weren't going to get our order in time (always "in production" even after estimated delivery date), I found a local printer (MorrellPrinting.com) who took my rush order and had it done in TWO HOURS for the SAME PRICE. Truly heroic. Do yourself a favor and look around for a local printer that will do you right.
How I got my refund: I went to their Contact US (https://www.overnightprints.com/about/contact-us) and selected:
Existing Order > I received my product in a defective state.
I entered the info and description like above.
After a day I received the same BS email that everyone gets offering 50% store credit or reprinting. Store credit? Reprint? Why would I want more garbage? No way. I replied to the email and said:
"You and I both know this is an unacceptable response, and we know why.
Let's just process the refund and get this over with.
Thank you."
Within 20 minutes I got this ESL response:
Thank you for your email!
Since you refused the options and requested a refund we issued for refund.
Within 3-5 business days it will apply in your card!
Kind regards, "
Another hour later I received a confirmation email that my order has been refunded, "Please allow 3-8 business days for this refund to process."
I hope this helps someone else. Good luck."