"I asked to renew 1 years worth of monitoring and had received a 3 month free discount the past 2 years. Was told they no longer offered the discount and best they could do is 1 month free. Was told that billing would take place in 24 hours, but had to contact them a second time for the charge to go through. When the service is great its great. When there are issues, the service drops a lot in my confidence. Sad to see such a nice benefit go away when it's in the companies best interest to keep valued customers. I surely hope there is a consideration to reinstate the 3 months. It keeps me a happy customer and means a lot to my value as one."
"Process is great and payment is quick. This is the second Apple product I have sent in, and there were no issues. Will more thank likely use them again in the future."
"I have not received my products yet, but having to pay 500 a pop each time you want to order on-line is odd. I called in and they ordered the items for me. I like things easy and this is not as easy as I would like. I have not received the merchandise yet, but hope that is a painless end of my order."
"Even though the thermostat came crushed from packaging, it did work out of the box. The delivery was prompt, but would have liked the package to be a little more solidly shipped."