"My purchase experience was better than expected. I stumbled across your website doing a web search. I have to be honest and say that my first impression of looking at your website was skeptical at best. It just doesn't look professional. I think the color scheme is less than desired for me anyway. I found the product I was looking for cheaper than antonline.com. As a matter of fact, I purchased it from antonline before I found your website. I cancelled the antonline purchase and bought from you because it was cheaper and was able to get 2 day shipping at a reasonable cost. I was disappointed with the female on the phone. She had no personality. Like I was bothering her. As if she was having a bad day. You can't do this when talking with cusotmers. Would like to see you guys invest on your website appearance. Needs to look more appealing. Almost didn't buy. Looked like a low-end Mom and Pop web store/Craigs list setup."
Thanks Tigerdirect for the pleasant purchase of my order. Also, a big thanks to Maddeline for the great phone/sales support. She was awsome and truly cared about my purchase and concern of shipping the item out the same day for me eventhough it was close to 5PM. Ordered Tuesday and received Thursday mid-day. Oh! and nice voice too. Now we'll see how the device works.
Thanks again Maddeline. You're aswsome!!
Roland Cruz"