"The company is not so trust worthy. They say one thing and do another. I purchased a mobile phone and they shipped it to my country on a high cost note than the purchase amount and I ended up in returning the product due to customs charges nearing the purchased amount. They offered a refund but never replied properly for 2 months. The total RMA requests bargain went for 3 months and it was like hell to deal with the representative. Finally, they agreed to replace the order but again sent the same product with a reply stating WE DID A MISTAKE BEFORE AND LOOK WHAT? WE DID IT AGAIN!!! WOULD YOU STILL WANT TO KEEP THE s**t WITH YOU?!! I finally gave-up and ended in deleting the account. RMA1304030074 is still an unsolved puzzle to me from this site. Besides, paypal a**holes do not back-up their support for this company in proper. They did not even ran a proper investigation on the order completed through their payment processing. It seem like Paypal is well bribed to help focalprice.com run their business. Both suck customers ultimately. Just wanna tell you guys to skip this company if you want a good product and delivery system."