"I had previously ordered from eBatts without problem. I placed this order at close to midnight on 2/28. The order confirmation stated "Availability - leaves in 24 hours". In fairness, it also said any "unforeseen shipping delays" would be notified to me. It wasn't until 3/23 in the morning that I received and email saying "As of now our new estimated time of arrival for this part in our warehouse is 3/24/2009, meaning the estimated shipping date for your order is 3/26/2009." That evening I asked by email if they could 'cut me a deal' on an alternative. Early on 3/5 I got a call which started out by saying ETA was now 'early April'. I asked if they had a compatible in stock and indeed they had a high capacity version, but wanted me to pay $30 more. I had ordered this previously for my daughter who needed extra capacity as she's a student, but I don't need the extra. I was hoping he'd split the difference between my $92 invoice and what he was asking (15% off their list and free shipping - similar to terms I had on my original order). The problem I have is that he saw nothing wrong that I'd been given the statement "Leaves in 24 hours" at the time of order yet days later was told it was not actually in stock then and won't be for a month. It seems to me this lies somewhere between 'deceptive advertising' and 'breach of contract'. I had what I thought was agreement to deliver. If their website at time of order had said "Not In Stock" at the time of order it would be different. It would be different if they'd said "3 days delay". But to tell me first 3 weeks delay and then more than that tells me their inventory control and procurement management/tracking is deficient."

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