"I am generally pleased with your products and service, but the quality is not consistent with the cost. The clothing does not wear well--that is, is tends to wear out faster than other brands--but you have a selection that keeps me coming back. Your stores are annoying though, as you never keep more than one of any size in stock, and you are always running out of stock as a result. Online shopping is fine when I know my size, but I prefer to shop in person for new products or items where my size might be unclear (such as shoes from different manufacturers)."
"My experience is always good either online or in the store. It just seems that the store and website are not on the same page. When I ask questions at the store they are very helpful but are unaware of what promotions the online website has."
"overall good but don't want to have to chat with online help to complete transaction"
"A very poor experience....I will not return."
"I like using stitch fix. I also really like my 1905 suits I bought last spring and hope to get some more tailored"
"Regarding checkout process....it was very poor."
"Multiple inadvertent clicks on move to cart button add to the cart multiple times. This is unlikely to meet customer expectations. Then the customer has to remove items from cart."
"I love my store experience every time, except when the merchandise I want is not there."
"My husband loves shopping Joseph A Bank. We know the merchandise so well, it makes it easy to order online if we do not have the time to shop.."
"The selection is outstanding. The category breakdown and information available makes decision making much easier and allows for a better, more streamlined shopping experience."
"I buy because your product is the best for me. I hate your company and your horrible customer service. The suits I bought from you a couple of years ago all fell apart. The fabric peeled, the seams broke, the crotch is like tissue paper."
"Thanks to your chat room Dan for helping me through a re-purchase to save almost 50.00 when the pricing changed overnight and a coupon arrived."
"JosABANK has an exceptional customer service team, the prices are OK and the quality is good. What more can you ask for?"
"Excellent services .Keep up the good work."
"Overall, my shopping experience was very satisfying. I like the David Leadbetter clothing line and use Jos A. Bank for this resource."