"The helmet is just what I wanted. I received it within a few days. "
"Very good experience. Ordering was easy, just wish They had the item I wanted but were sold out of, must be good to sell out so quickly."
"I had no problems. I the deliver was smooth and on time. The prices are reasonable and the best I have see on the internet for similar items. They are now my go to for leather clothing. "
"Good quality and fast delivery "
"It was good thank you
I g"
"Great fit, excellent value "
"Easy shopping and very quick shipping. Thank you!"
"Love the Outlaw helmets from Leatherup!"
"Love it ,It was all you said and more. Getting one for a friend for a birthday present, Best jacket I've ever owned. Keep up the good work.
Thank Dennis "
"Fantastic price and service for my Outlaw helmet. I really appreciated the first purchase addition discount. Shipping was fast and packing was excellent. I will definitely use Leatherup for future purchases. The customer service agent was very helpful and provided me with a payment option I had not considered which worked out very well."
"I have a bad expirience with Fedex, they gave the delivery as done, instead I recieved the box only the day after.
Anyhow , I have today sent back the jacket, because it's not as expected.
"Ordered a helmet and it was at my house very quick! I’ll be using them for other if not all stuff!"
"I love the saddle bags. Very fast shipping. Super cheap for a great set of bags.. Thanks for the great product"
"Love my fringe jacket vest! I'm always amazed at the high-quality of the items on LeatherUp: I was looking for a fringe bar jacket on sites like Wilsons, and the prices are considerably higher, with no measurable increase in workmanship or value. Still have my motorcycle jacket from over 20 years ago, and though somewhat worn with age, it still looks good on me, and I still get compliments!"
"Price was competitive and the delivery was on time "