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"They would not deliver my order to my address that I regularly receive packages, and after a month I have still not gotten my refund. If you're smart you will shop elsewhere. "

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Overall customer service
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Dishonest, unethical...

Multiple errors by company on many orders over a few months. Most recent sent wrong item on one order and damaged item on a next. After approving return (with free return shipping) company does not only charge me for those two labels, but also assigns a third charge. Because i had other returns I was making, I decided to include them in the same boxes. There is no terms preventing me from doing so, and the package weights marked on the return labels were not exceeded. (Verified. Therefore no additional cost to send back and no reason the shipping labels should no longer have been deemed free). Not only was I charged, they applied shipping fees to more than the two primary orders and charged a third fee. Now that I've protested, I see that 2 pending orders that were in transit were recalled by YOOX, AFTER 24 ORDERS IN 5 MONTHS AVERAGING $300 EACH!!! Never in my life have I come across such poor customer service and unethical, and plain scummy, business practices.

I've read other stories on the internet regarding similar problems with customers who make more returns then YOOX would like, but on a dollar basis and not including the items I didn't order they sent me in error, mine was low and still very very profitable for the company. If you want to shop with a company that treats frequent customers like utter garage and complete disrespect, then feel free.

(Oh, and last - I aways get "Karen" on the email customer service end, so either thats a huge coincidence or they also give fake names. Either way she, or all of them upto management, should be fired. Does Federico Marchetti pay any attention to customer complaints, because they almost always relate to horrid customer service and disrespect for their customers... the antithesis of Steve Jobs)

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Overall customer service



" If Yoox doesn't like how your data match, then, they just cancel the order without explanation. Despite I called them when UPS sent me a notification that my package was intercepted by the sender (YOOX) to return it. The package was in the same city I was at the moment, so, just some hours to UPS deliver it to me!
Yoox thought was "suspicious" I live in one country and deliver the package in another country, they didn't understand I am travelling and I need the clothes in the country where I arrived. They didn't give a solution, just said sorry I can't do anything.....
But, now, reading all the complaints I think they did me a favor!

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Overall customer service



"I lost my money. They told me, after a return, to leave my money in MoneYoox (their walet), as a possible choice.
Me, stupid, i did so! I left my 114 euros in Yoox walet for later shopping. After a period i asked my money back. As they said, in comments it should be returned in 1 day. That day never came.
After a month i contacted them. They told me they will send me my money after one week. I gave them 20 days. Nothing i contacted them again and again ...
I decide that they will never return my money because this is their method, lying people.
For all those that i am writting i have also evidences. I can proove it. I kept everything because I want claim my money.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I placed a few orders end of last year at YOOX website, I kept some items and returned the balance. Their customer service dept made an international call informing me my return rate was too high, they made a decision to close my account. I reasoned with the rep, how could a multi-million dollar business not honor their "Return and Refund" policy, and expect their customers to keep every item ordered. He said he will review my case with his supervisor. The following week, they called me again with the conclusion to ban me from shopping on their site. Warning potential customers that is tempted by YOOX discounts, DO NOT SHOP ON THIS SITE!!! "

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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Their return policy is HORROR.
DO NOT EVER CHOSE THE STORE CREDIT, known as moneyoox you cannot get rid of.
If you pay for a new order using store credit and credit card and you have to return something, they will NOT GIVE YOU THE MONEY BACK to Credit Card, THEY WILL KEEP THE MONEY AND GIVE THE STORE CREDIT INDEFINITELY.

I had some good european designers buys until I made the mistake to opt for store credit.
I honestly believe they should not be allowed to do business in US, unless they change their policies and WRITE BIG, BLACK ON WHITE THE TERMS WHEN YOU PURCHASE OR RETURN

DO NOT BELIEVE THEIR POSITIVE WONDERFUL REVIEWS, I am sure they re written by their people

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I’ve been purchasing regularly from Yoox for years now and never had issues. My return rate must be hovering around 50% because of fit and sizing - which has nothing to do with the reseller. Interactions with customer service for minor issues were always good. It is my favorite online shop because of the diversity of their products and the amazing deals I’ve been able to find - some of my most cherished clothes! "

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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I have shopped here at least 10 times in the past year and alwaya find great items of ridiculously low sale prices: $300-$400 dresses on for $45, $1700 handbags for $300.

Made a return once, it took a while to get my refund, since shipping is all the way to Italy.

Wish they had free shipping for a lesser minimum purchase (75 or 100 dollars as opposed to 200) as it often prevents me from buying things from YOOX. I also wish return shipping was free which is what most major retailers offer.

Their product picture qualities could be better but I notice my items arrive even more beautiful than pictured so maybe it's a marketing strategy.

Customer service is good. I got a dress once that was too big, wanted to get a size down and was able to reserve the last dress in my size by calling them. They shipped the smaller dress as soon as they received the returned dress.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"four orders and four times something wrong with it! stupid copy paste answers do not help at all i will never shop again here"

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"for 5 years I have been a generally satisfied costumer of yoox. I spent at least 1000eu a year. when something was wrong with my order: this was +-50% the case - e.g. wrong indicated sizing; items used, fawlty or damaged; they provided average service but it was possible to settle (small price adjustment or return). However, costumer service was very lazy and not easy to reach. BUT LAST WEEK I got this strange phone call from UPS "my return rate was to high they would no longer do any shipping for me". The phone call left me puzzeld; but since I only get UPS from YOOX I was wondering whether this might be a fake call. I phoned UPS; they explained: "we live on transports so no way we would make this phone call, the more returns the better for us". So it was a fake call, and made by Yoox. The days after this strange fake call if place an order with YOOX it is cancelled within minutes. This feels really akward. Yes, indeed I have been returning items; sometimes because since it is clothing because of not fitting etc (they do NOT provide any measurements like most webshops do); but allso a lot of the time it was their fault! Now I feel like a thief but that is absurd! Not being able to order anymore feels stupid. If they would have any kind of rating of their costumers they should advertise it; make it known so that you know what to expect. Allso making a phone call in the name of a different company is pure lying! ADVICE TO COSTUMERS: only buy if you are quite certain about the sizing etc. ADVICE TO YOOX: please inform costumers about what your policy is -> first give a warning; eventually let costumers pay for restocking or return shipment. If this doesn't help last thing should be to block from buying! "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



I'm a returing customer at But now it went wrong. There site tells me that they did a refund of 266euro to my creditcard. In the past this always worked but now a month has pasted by and there is no sign of my money. After emailing the customer services i had 2 identical answers (copy past?) and after 4 later emails i haven't heard a single thing... A whole week has gone bye... I keep emailing them everyday without an answer. This is pure scamming!!!

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"this site has the worst customer service I have ever seen. I placed an order last week, it got cancelled immediately without any reason, I got a message that says credit card charges are cancelled. i'm trying to contact with customer service to say that charges are not cancelled but they keep sending me the same automated response even though i quote the previous same automated response. stay away."

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I have got to tell you I LOOOVE this company! I have bought A LOT of clothes from them and sometimes I would return some but NEVER had a problem their clothes,shoes etc are all authentic this is my new favorite store besides Saks Fifth Ave and Nordstrom THANK YOU YOOX I am a very satisfied customer :)"

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Ridiculous company - they have thousands of items but will charge you if it does not fit. Who does that? I buy something that looks good on the website and it arrives with a horrible fit - boom they charge you a restocking fee - totally stupid business model which says we will charge you to try our product if it does not fit you.Buyer beware!!!"

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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Just received goods from,

sizes are good, goods are not fake ( in few reviews I had read things like that ) shipement and delivery was really fast. The only thing I am not happy with is the shipping cost, which is bit higher than in the other web stores. But I am happy and satisfied with this shop. I am giving them 5 of 5, and I will order goods next time again :)

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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges