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"I talked to this company due to the great price on the camera I was pricing (Nikon 8700 and Pro 1 Cannon). Everyone beware! The camera comes with NO cd; memory; battery etc etc....standard, in the box items. Then the prices for the memory and such is 3x as much as anywhere else. Thank God I asked questions first and didn't buy!"

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Being trustworthy
Being easy to reach
Resolving problems
Being knowledgeable
Overall customer service
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being trustworthy
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability



"No problems, canceled my order and the seller was very understanding."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products on-time
Overall technical support
Being easy to reach
Making decisions on their own
Being knowledgeable
Resolving problems
Being trustworthy
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being easy to reach
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability
Speed of web site



"Same situation here folks! Bait & Switch...

Click this link and complain!!

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Overall technical support
Being easy to reach
Making decisions on their own
Being knowledgeable
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Overall customer service
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being knowledgeable
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability
Speed of web site



"Absolute slime. Great price. Bought a video camera from them. They had everyone else beat by $70. Of course, I was suspicious. I looked all over their website (most importantly in the item description) for any disclaimers about their product but couldn't find anything.

So, I ordered. The next day, I got an e'mail requesting that I call to confirm the order. I was prepared to fend off the usual requests for accessories, but the salesman was adamant about the poor quality and lack of operability in the stock set. I signed up for a "great package" that included "tons of extras" that "enhanced my experience".

Stupid me. When I got the camera, they sent a cheap camera bag, a $10 filter, and a $20 pack of tapes. The price? FULL RETAIL + $69.99 IN "S.H.I.P" FEES!!!!!!!

I called to yell. When I finally got through (I'm sure their customer service department is overloaded) the calm gentleman explained that the great price was for a "grey market" unit and did I know what that is? Of course I know, but it wasn't stated on the website. He assured me it's there somewhere.

My only relief was to send everything back and get a refund - S.H.I.P fees, or have them send me two extra, more expensive filters.

I could not be less happy about these people and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Being knowledgeable
Being easy to reach
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability
Speed of web site



"Can we do something about this company? (amphotoworld). We must do something to stop their SCAM. Any lawyers here? "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused



"I ordered a camera (canon powershot A95) from them. I asked if the website price was correct. Their price was $319. The item lists for $399. I was told $319 is correct. I then asked if the item was covered by a US warranty. "Yes," the rep said. Then, I asked, "is it in stock?" Again, "yes." "Ok, how long will it take to get by ground." "5 days to a week and a half," I was told. I should have known I was about to get screwed. After placing the order, I received an email requesting that I call their customer service department to confirm my order. I did so. Travis answered. He told that I should buy optional filters. I told him that I didn't need the optional filters. "But, we have a great deal and the manufacture suggests that you don't use the camera without them." "That's ok," I said. "How about batteries, you'll need rechargables, it doesn't come with them." "No, thanks, I have AA rechargables." "Are you sure," Travis asked. "Yes, I'm sure. Hey, how long will it take untill I get the camera." "A week, week and a half." I hung up thinking, "cool, no problem," though I was a bit annoyed by the high pressure sales tactics. Later that day, I look at my order status. Suddenly, my order was on hold - "on backorder." What do you mean backorder? I called Travis. He wasn't in. I decided to call the sales number. "Hey, I'm interested in purchasing a Canon Powershot A95, do you have them in stock." "Yes," I was told. "How long will it take before I can have it delivered." "We can have it to you by Thursday." "Really," I asked,"then why is my order on hold and why does it say the item is on back order." "Oh, well, I can't really discuss someone elses orders. You'll have to call Travis tomorrow." This is classic bait and switch. This is illegal. Who is going to report these guys and prevent them from doing business in NY?? "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Overall technical support



"Just to keep everyone up to date on this company (i.e. they have not changed their practices). I attempted to buy a Canon Optima 40 and had the same experience most everyone writes about on this company.
1. Make you call to confirm your order only to:
a. Try to up sell you other items.
b. Tell you the price on the website was for an international product with no warranty.
c. Try to sell you the US product for more than most other companies sell it for and act like they are including a warranty and cables with the deal even thought they come with the retail product.

I would not recommend this company to my worst enemy!

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services



"Many thanks guys, I am so lucky to read your messages before I fall for these crooks. I feel ashame to live in the same state with them (even the same neighboorhood - Brooklyn).
By the way, these crooks do not work on Saturday.....

Our customer service department is open for your convenience:
Monday - Thursday: 9 am to 5pm est.
Friday: 9 am to 3pm est.
Saturday: Closed

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with



"Do not buy from this outfit unless you want problems! I ordered a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ10 from these guys for the advertised price of $399 and requested 3-day delivery. As requested by the e-mail I received from their order department, I contacted their "customer service" department and was informed that I had to order a battery and charger for $100 if I wanted to use the camera, because the price did not include a battery and charger. When I informed my wife that I had placed the order, she informed me that she had already bought it for my birthday for $499 (same price). I contacted A&M first thing the morning after I placed the order and was informed by the same "customer service" representative that I could not cancel the order because it had already been processed, although it had not been shipped and they did not have a tracking number. He then informed me that I could return the camera that I already had. I am going to refuse delivery and dispute the charges with my card issuer on the basis of misrepresentation of the price; Panasonic informed me that ALL of their cameras ship from distributors with batteries and chargers."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Overall technical support
Being knowledgeable
Being easy to reach
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Making decisions on their own
Overall customer service
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service resolving problems
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site
Web site reliability



"Ordered a camcorder, they never placed the order. Instead they called me several days later to try and sell me stuff that was suppossed to come with the cam anyway. I cancelled my order."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused



"Horrible sales tactics. I seen a Sony camera listed on their website as “Available” and at a great price, so I called them up to place my order by phone. A man answered the phone that sounded like he just woke up and asked “how can I help you?”. I told him I wanted to confirm the price and availability of a camera. I gave him the model number and the next words out of his mouth was “Are you going to be buying any Batteries or Memory cards?” I said “No, just the Camera.” In reply to my response he said -very quickly- “I’m sorry then, sold out. byebye. *click*”

Most of their Memory cards and Batteries are generic crap. Probably worth no more then 10 bucks, but they charge premium prices for them. Total scam, I will not be buying from them and will spread the word.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Being knowledgeable
Being easy to reach
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Overall customer service
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being trustworthy
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use



"Like another user said "bait and switch" very attractive prices then when they call back to confirm your order they try to pressure you into buying accesories, warrentys, and explain that what you ordered was a turkey grey market product which thier site doesnt explain at all. The guy on the phone was suprisingly nice though he explained the rip off tactics in a courteousy manner."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy



"I won't bore you with another nightmare story. Mine is a combination of all the others listed here. I don't know how these people live with themselves. I like their "gentle as a steam roller" New York style. I'm from San Diego and I haven't run into that type of total, and complete rudeness....I was speechless...............and ripped off."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy



"I was considering purchasing a Canon digital camera from A&M. Fortunately I found this Web site prior to finalizing my order. The listed price was $45 less than the competition so it seemed like a great deal. Though, after reading comments on this site I knew the questions to ask: what's included, in stock status, US warranty, US or international model. I called A&M's 800 number and got a curt salesperson. I started by asking him a question about what's included. He responded rudely, "whatever the manufacturer includes!" I then asked him about whether it was a US or International model. "Why do want to know that?" followed by "We are out stock anyway!" He then hung-up. Take my advice shop elsewhere. And just for entertainment sake give them a call and listen to them dodge the questions. You'll be glad you did!"

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Overall technical support
Resolving problems
Being trustworthy
Being knowledgeable
Being easy to reach
Making decisions on their own
Overall customer service
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use



"I puchased from this store and bought a new SD110 camera. They shipped an old one without any acce. I called them they said that all cameras are sold like that and even canon doesn't sell new ones and after two weeks of repaeated calling and arguments they agreed to replace it. When I sent in the camera back they said they were out of stock and will send a new one. After 2 month they still haven't refunded me the money neither have they sent in the camera. When I call customer service there is a guy by the name of W***** says thet he can do what ever he feels like and will sent the camera when ever he feels like it but will not refund the money as the money is his. This company is a total fraud never buy from them again. I do't know how to get my miney back as I cannot ask the credit card to stop payment as 60 days had already passed in the return and wait. I think the were doing this with the intention to rip people off. BEWARE of W***** and AMPHOTOWORLD "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Being trustworthy
Resolving problems
Being easy to reach
Being knowledgeable
Overall customer service
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service making decisions on their own
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use
Web site reliability