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"My experience of using mSpy was far better. I purchased mSpy subscription two months ago primary because I wanted to use its call recordings feature on my son’s Android.. It didn’t work properly all the time so I asked for a refund. When I explained that I need this feature working as advertised now and can’t wait for several days for this problem to be solved, they gave me my money back. So it’s definitely not a scam and I didn’t lose anything. They told me they are going to release a new improved version of their product with call recordings feature improved in May, and I’m going to try it. After all, I haven’t come across an app of this kind that would be better in any way"

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"Terrible business practices...the return policy is not up front in the the evaluation/purchase flow. Other sites have a pop up modal which interrupts the purchase process with the jailbreak and supported iOS version information front and center before the customer hits "purchase".

Terribly complex installation for iOS. Risky jailbreak involved which takes hours. Additional steps for 6.3.1 users. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again. Sorry, I don't have all the time in the world for this type of hassle.

I had purchased the software, not having clicked on the link which contained the policies. By the time I figured out all of the nuances, I realized it was not for my phone. Customer Service did not show any understanding. Makes one feel that this is a common practice in order to take the money and run.


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"mSpy worked well for me and I would use it again. Without a shadow of a doubt it proved that my fears of my kids getting up to mischief were just fears and they were not doing anything wrong. The app was easy to use and install."

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"Girando per locali mi hanno già rubato 3 telefoni. Ora ho installato mSpy e sono tranquillo perchè posso rintracciare il mio dispositivo ovunque si trovi. La settimana scorsa l'avevo dimenticato in giro e grazie al comodissimo pannello di controllo l'ho ritrovato senza alcun problema."

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"Applicazione spia mobile personalmente mi ha permesso di avere il citare in giudizio Monitoraggio Ambientale che i miei figli sono davvero esima mio smartphone vedo che questa applicazione è molto utile"

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"Ottima applicazione. Molto utile per chi, come me, ha famiglia. Consente di tracciare e monitorare i movimenti e le comunicazioni di figli e partner in maniera veloce, efficace e semplice, interfaccia molto intuitiva. Consente di controllare tutti i dispositivi da un unica interfaccia che è molto comodo. Assistenza sempre disponibile, consigliato!"

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"J'adore cette application! Elle me permet de savoir où se trouvent mes enfants en toute circonstance et à n'importe quelle heure. Je ne suis pas du genre à fouiller dans leurs affaires, mais j'aime les savoir en sécurité quand ils sont en dehors de la mSpy est l'application parfaite pour ça! Merci!"

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"Most of the reviews you read are either from company paid authors (they exist) or phony blog sites created by the company itself (noted by the inability to leave a comment on any review or remark). I am a REAL user, and can tell you without reservation that this is the WORST spy application to use when wanting to track your spouse or child. Don't let their flashy online console fool you! This service is sub-standard AT BEST. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Any audio files uploaded to the console, from the phone, are held (forever it seems) in a PENDING state until the server can convert them to MP3. You have to schedule surround recordings, as if (by ESP) you had prior knowledge when your spouse is going to be doing something wrong (which defeats the purpose of having a spy app to begin with). Support will give only excuses, and GPS tracking is rarely on time (you have to set that too). So essentially, there is a HUGE chance that you will miss a critical moment using this application. PASS IT UP!!"

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"Cette application est vraiment très pratique et très utile. Elle permet de savoir où se trouve sa famille et notamment ses enfants. Il est très rassurant de savoir où sont nos enfants lorsque l’on s’absente ou lorsque l’on travaille. Avec cette application, c’est dorénavant possible. Mspy est tout simplement une idée géniale !"

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"Cette application est vraiment très pratique! En effet, pour un prix assez abordable elle vous permet de surveiller de façon très discrète vos proches et ainsi par exemple, savoir en temps réel où ils se trouvent. Je conseille donc vivement cette application à tout le monde et comme dit le diction, l'essayer c'est l'approuver !"

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"It's totally cool I get to find things I like"

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"This app works great for me in monitoring the cell phone use of my teen. I can view phone locations, phone calls and texts sent from phone and webpages viewed on phone. I also downloaded the earlier versions. This is a must have app for all parents and one of the best apps I have ever downloaded.

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"i decided to check it out myself and found absolutely nothing and having this app on my kids phone gives me some form of comfort."

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"J'ai choisi d'installer Mspy sur le téléphone de ma fille de

12 ans. Avec cette application, finie les inquiétudes. Ma

femme et moi pouvons savoir où elle est. Nous pouvons aussi

restreindre son accès au téléphone pour qu'elle puisse se

concentrer sur ses cours au collège. Mspy est à conseiller

pour tous les parents qui s'inquiètent pour leurs enfants !

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"J'ai opté pour la formule familiale à 143.99€/an TTC. Livraison immédiate, processus transparent (aucun changement apparent sur les mobiles) et je suis vraiment bluffé par les résultats. Excellent produit et bonne réactivité. Bravo!"

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