Elite seals are prestigious banners given to retailers who are loved by their customers. To get one, a retailer has to consistently get high scores over time
Your check out system was a shock & very upsetting
"I tried to charge my order on my Mastercard but some system you use over rode that and charged another of my credit cards, a Visa without my authorization. I don’t know how you even got the number for the Visa card as I’ve never shopped with Swim outlet before. This is a completely unacceptable action. Logic would dictate that the payment method the HUMAN is choosing should take precedent over some algorithm. I contacted Shop pay(if that’s who is behind this) & that company has no record of me so how did Swim outlet have my other card number? Someone knowledgeable needs to contact me right away about this. Swim outlet is complicit in this & need to take responsibility.
K Thomas"
"It took me a while to finalize my order because I was 5cents short of free shipping. I ended up buying another item I didn't really need. Applying the code, filling in the forms, looking for sizes, comparing goggle swim lens colors..time consuming. The next morning I realized I probably would need a size larger because of a recent shoulder surgery and I didn't want tight pressure on that shoulder so I called to change the size. I was unable to get a hold of anyone on the phone (they were all in a meeting) so 'chatted' with a man who told me he couldn't just change the size. He could only cancel the WHOLE order then have someone call me to reorder what I wanted. It all worked out. All the customer service people were helpful. It just took a lot of time to navigate through their system. I am awaiting the order now."