"It appears that my phone was locked to T-Mobile (Which is possible because I bought it from a phone fix shoppe) and when they removed the screen protector, glass from the crack must have been removed too and so I lost some coins with that as well. Also, they stated there was a broken haptic function too, I’m not a phone technician so if would have not known that. So it is true they will change the price if their originally feel like the first offer was too much, so I received $40 less. They do give you the option to return the phone back to you but I just accepted the lower offer instead because it just was not worth the hassle nor is it worth the wait.
What I thought would be maybe a two week process turned out to be almost month process.
I recommend that if it is not the last few versions of the phone type (IPhone specifically ), to definitely thoroughly research your options before you settle also know exactly everything that is wrong with your phone as well.
Hey, overall they’re still giving you something for your phone so I am grateful. They are great communicators and willing to give you proof of their changes to their best of ability. I don’t discredit the company, its just a little misleading."