Stay AWAY, they false advertise and you sill spend money and still end up with nothing in the end
"First want to say that the 105% lowest price is false advertising. Found this product much cheaper elsewhere so I called to get it 5% cheaper here and they said they could only match the other price not 5% less since they would be losing money. Sorry to tell this company but that is not good business when that is what is advertised. I ordered it anyway since I was already on the phone. It came in the little flimsy box with a huge hole in the side of it. They didn't double box it like normal business would for any electronics shipped through the mail. I looked it over good and did not see any cosmetic damage so I installed it which took nearly 2 hours to do might I add. Turned it on and the picture on the screen was horrible, worse than the headrest monitors I purchased about 10 years ago and the FM transmitter had a lot of static no matter what channel I changed it too. Since the players did not have built in speakers this was the only way to listen to the sound other than wireless headphones which my kids aren't greatly fond of. So I asked to exchange it. They said they could however they wouldn't have another unit like it back in stock for almost a month, even though their website says they have them in stock, False advertising again, so I asked for them to just refund my card and send me a return label. They refunded my card however I had to ship it back on my own dime even though there return policy for defective items/shipping damage items clearly states returns are at no cost to the customer. So for 2 weeks worth of headache and phone calls and emails and $20 shipping out of my pocket to return it I still have no good working DVD player. I would not recommend this business at all."

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