"Hifisoundconnection will take advantage of your interest in their listings and steal your money.
I paid $500 for a set of 4 slimpar64RGBA's for an upcoming wedding that I'd be DJing. Got an email from them a few days later that said the equipment was damaged and so the shipment was going to be delayed. I replied with a request to cancel the order and refund my money. John Cyril (a HSC customer service representative) replied the next day by saying no problem, we'll get that taken care of. Twelve days later I found a FedEx MPS shipping notification in my inbox which said the order that I cancelled had been shipped out of HSC's warehouse and was on its way to my address.. The items were poorly packaged before being shipped; thus, some of the boxes that arrived were all dented up from being thrown around while in transit. After spending the time and money ($40 for shipping) to return a package that wasn't even supposed to be sent to me in the first place, HSC penalized me for their mistake by only giving me a $400 refund (they pocketed $100 of my money). Personally, I think this crooked company intentionally shipped the cancelled order just so they could claim a 20% restocking fee. Don't waste your time and money on hifisoundconnection."